The theme of this year’s Action Research Group Ireland’s (ARGI) annual colloquium is: Action Research for Learning and Education
June 26th and 27th 2025 in Maynooth University
The theme of this year’s Action Research Group Ireland’s (ARGI) annual colloquium is Action Research for Learning and Education.
Action research in practice and in different disciplinary settings is known to deliver personal learning as well as research findings and new organisational knowledge. In action research based masters and doctoral programmes, students report transformational learning that is every bit as impactful as their research findings. As we explore the relationships between action research, learning and education the following two overarching research questions are offered as an initial prompt for this Call for Papers:
How do different contexts of action research shape the personal learning that accompanies the generation of new knowledge?
How does a requirement for learning and educational outcomes shape the action research process?
Contributions: We invite contributions to stimulate conversation about using action research in ways that generate both actionable knowledge and personal learning outcomes. We seek to explore the approaches and contexts in which we are doing/facilitating/teaching action research so that it generates personal learning as well as organizational change.
Submission Process: Please submit an abstract or proposal of not more than 300 words. Include names(s) and affiliations of authors beneath the title of the abstract. The following questions may help to structure your 300-word submission proposal, but please do not feel constrained by these:
What is/was your context?
What was your role?
Who else was involved?
What are/were you enquiring into?
What were you trying to change?
How did you engage with participants?
How did others shape the action taken?
Where did power to influence direction lie?
What knowledge was generated?
What did you do when faced with dilemmas or challenges?
The intention is that contributors will use the opportunity to share the questions, anxieties, joys, tensions, and contradictions that have been provoked for them as they seek to work with action research. Don’t feel you can only present clearly worked out resolutions. Early insights or simply descriptions of the sticky challenges experienced are welcome.
Deadline: 20 April 2025
Please email [email protected] if you have any queries or if you would like to be added to our mailing list.