Maynooth University Careers Service has launched the First Destination Returns Survey(FDR) of 2014 graduates. Graduates will be able to access the survey via a link sent by text message and email. This short survey looks at what recent graduates are doing nine months after graduation.
The information gathered is used to collate Maynooth University statistics and HEA statistics and is useful in assisting policy makers, employers and students. Information gathered will inform a “What Maynooth University Graduates do” section on our website and your suggestions and comments in Section 4 helps the ongoing development of our services.
Personal details will remain confidential and will not be used in any reports or documents. On completion of the survey participants will be entered into a draw for one4all vouchers.
This survey is administered by the Maynooth University Careers Service. If you have any questions they can be contacted at [email protected]