Prof Fiona M. Palmer is on the Organizing Committee of the Oxford Conducting Institute International Conducting Studies Conference 2021 (#OCIICSC21) [Online, 25–26 June 2021]
This is the fourth OCI conference to bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to generate interdisciplinary dialogue and promote further development in the field of conducting studies.
During OCIICSC21 Prof Fiona M. Palmer is moderating sessions and giving a paper related to a larger project on the interwar conducting profession. Her presentation, ‘“The old custom of chance will no longer do; let us have intelligently taught conductors”: Contextualizing Conductor Training in Britain (1890s–1920s)’, focuses on how and why expectations were evolving in relation to qualification, access and authority among those who sought work as conductors or simply wanted to learn how to conduct.
OCIICSC21 Organising Committee:
Dr John Traill (University of Oxford); Dr Cayenna Ponchione-Bailey (University of Oxford); Dr Carolyn Watson (University of Kansas); Professor Fiona M. Palmer (Maynooth University); Dr Jeremiah Cawley (Loras College)