Maynooth Swim School in conjunction with Swim Ireland are running “Swim for a Mile” in 2015 to get students, staff and members of the public swimming. “Swim for a Mile” gives people the opportunity to take part in an exciting challenge that will encourage them to get into the pool and set them a target they can reach with guidance and support. The initiative will, as in 2014, have a very positive impact on the numbers of people using pools and leisure centres across the country.
Maynooth Swim School swim takes place on Friday, 22 May, between 4pm and 8pm depending on the amount of people signed up to do it. The Swim School will be swimming in tandem with the National Aquatic Centre (NAC) and other host venues, with the times to be tracked in realtime and a link up with the host venue, the NAC.
The idea behind it is that the person who can only swim one or two lengths of a pool will train over the next 12 weeks and complete the mile in under an hour. All entries will receive a leisure membership with Swim Ireland on registering for their venue of choice. Precision Timing the company that time the marathon events will be creating an app for the event. All swimmers will get a time for 200, 400, 800 and 1500m and can continue their training and compete at a masters level in galas with Swim Ireland.
You will need to register online with Swim Ireland, which costs €25 with an optional donation to the Simon Community.
Maynooth Swim School have arranged a 12 week training programme, running training sessions on Tuesdays 8.30am to 9.30am, Wednesdays 8am-9am and Sundays 3pm-4pm and the cost of these sessions is €80 for 12 weeks. The Swim School is charging a fee to cover the cost of the instructors and there will be a donation to charity from any profits raised to MS Ireland and St Michaels House (Grosvenor School). The training sessions, which begin this week are optional.
If you wish to register for these sessions and for further information on the training please contact the pool office on 01-7086944.