Daniel Masterson

Would have to be the social aspect, from meeting friends in the library coffee shop, chats after lectures, and of course on nights out!
Aussie Rules society & Games Society
Having lived in the town for my four years, I found it welcoming coming from a rural background, and very friendly!
Research skills, essay writing and critical analysis for sure, also presentation and teaching skills whilst I was an Undergraduate Tutor with the History Department.
Research what career pathway you are thinking of entering, considering what postgraduate courses you might enter from your subjects. With MH101, I really liked that you could attend various subjects for the first few weeks to get an idea of which ones you would prefer!
Details of your career path to date
Defence Force Cadetship 97th Class, HSE Grade III, Grade V, and HSE Data Notification Service, Grade V and Grade VII. Housing Agency Administrative officer, and currently Database Officer for TU Dublin Foundation.
Can you tell us of any career highlight to date?
Defence Force Cadetship was very challenging but rewarding, in the end it wasn't for me but would recommend to anyone to give it a go! Contact Tracing within the HSE at the time of the COVID-19 Pandemic was also very interesting, and gave me significant experience in people management as I progressed up the grades there.
What does your current role involve?
Managing and administiring the Foundation's Graduate Network Database, reporting to the Alumni Manager and assisting with outbound newsletters and messaging.
What do you find most interesting/challenging about your job?
Getting to speak to the Alumni we work with, and hearing how they have progressed with careers/life in general since leaving University!
How did you find your current job?
What advice would you give to Maynooth University students entering the job market, either generally speaking or in regard to your specific career sector?
I'm someone who diverged completely from what I wanted to do when entering my undergraduate (teach). I am very happy with Data Analytics, so my advice would be to not be afraid to apply for roles that don't specifically lie within the usual career path of someone with your degree. All of the skills you learn in college without realising, such as analysis, research, report writing etc are applicable to most careers!