Jeffrey Walsh

Chartered Engineering Manager
ESB Group
Bachelor of Electronic Engineering

My fondest memory of my time in Maynooth University (NUIM when I was there!) was the ski trips I went on. These trips were organised through the ski club held after the first semester exams: a great way to meet people across a variety of different courses, endless craic and memories you’ll never forget. I graduated over 13 years ago and the people I met on these trips are still to this day my closest friends

Heavily involved in the swimming & water polo club
Hurling: won 2 provincial titles in 2007 (Freshman & Intermediate)

Maynooth was an obvious choice for me due to small engineering class size and personal and open lecturer tuition. I think it is the sense of community that is obvious throughout the college, it is a open friendly campus. Specifically in relation to the engineering department: I enjoyed the annual football tournaments, pool nights, quizzes and BBQs that were held. It is also has an open door policy: if you had an issue big or small every lecturer was there to help. 

  1. I found the 6-month industrial work experience included in the engineering undergraduate course in 3rd year to be fundamental to my success to date – it opened my eyes to the professional engineering world.
  2. The value of further education/learning is also paramount: I have completed courses part-time while working including an Engineering Masters Programme and an MBA.
  3. Communication skills: you don’t have to be the best at something, but if you’re the one who can explain a concept in an easy story-like format you’ll go very far.

You must have an interest in maths and a curiosity of how things work – not that you are a straight ‘A’ student. Once you have an interest in the subject matter it will be easier to learn. Engineering is not an easy course, it has long hours but the benefit is the hands-on time – the majority of the work is completed in class rather than having to do the work when you get home. 

Details of your career path to date

I have been working in energy since 2009, well before it hit the headlines for the price volatility where the market currently resides. I completed my work placement in EirGrid Plc. and then started the graduate programme in ESB Networks. These positions were engineer positions in a range of teams: commercial, renewable planning, HV construction, asset management and design.
Following these engineering experiences I moved into management with a focus on project management, new product development and innovation. I have moved around ESB Group building on previous experiences. Currently I am working in offshore wind in the UK with a focus on risk analysis examining capital expenditures and schedules. It is a hugely interesting industry but one that has many challenges.

What does your current role involve?

I help companies manage their offshore wind asset risks and associated controls. On a day-to-day basis that includes facilitating risk workshops with the project teams, risk analyse in terms of finance and schedule, create contingency plans and reporting to the Leadership Team.

What advice would you give to Maynooth University students entering the job market, either generally speaking or in regard to your specific career sector?

The value of industrial work experience is not to be under-estimated: this affords you the opportunity to showcase your skills to a given company (that based on your performance may want to hire you when you graduate), helps with career networking going forward and I feel, that a CV referee from a manager where you worked is more valuable and accurate that a referee from an university lecturer.
For the first few years please do not be focused solely on the financial aspect of a given job; the training and development afforded to you in your first few years will pay off greatly in the long run. When selecting a job after graduating, as a priority, examine what training you will receive and the variety of this training (on-the-job training, courses, further college/university qualifications, attending courses/seminars etc.).