The Department of Economics provides an ideal learning environment for students.
The Department of Economics at Maynooth University is located on a magnificent 200 year old campus in the historic town of Maynooth, close to the city of Dublin yet also in the heart of the beautiful county of Kildare.
The department is made up of a vibrant group of academics with an international reputation for excellence in research and teaching. Members of the department publish in leading international journals and also play an influential role in social and economic development at a local and national level.
We are strongly committed to the provision of high quality teaching programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We place a high premium on quality teaching and personal contact with our students, ensuring that the students' experience at Maynooth University is both enjoyable and productive, whatever degree programme pursued. Successful students emerge with a deep knowledge of their subject and a variety of skills that will give them a competitive edge in an ever more competitive job market. Graduates are equipped for a wide variety of careers, such as accountancy, banking, financial services, teaching and economic consultancy, to name but a few.
We have strong links with industry and the wider business community.
We believe that good teaching and research complement each other. We strive to maintain a high output of quality published research as well as thoughtful and considered contributions to on-going policy debates both at home and abroad.