The Department of Economics at Maynooth University is a leading provider of postgraduate training in this sector. We are ranked in the top 3.3% of all economic institutions in the world for the quality of our graduate education. We achieve this success by offering students direct engagement and support from a vibrant group of academics with an international reputation for excellence in research and teaching and with vast experience of advising government and industry on the Irish economic development. 

MSc Economics 

The MSc Economics Programme - MHH52 (full-time one-year option), MHH53 (part time option) and MHH70 (two-year option) - at Maynooth University trains you in economics and econometrics to become a professional economist.

The programme also provides a firm foundation for students planning to continue with PhD research. 

Higher Diploma in Economic Science

The HDip in Economic Science MHH60 is designed for students whose primary degrees are not in economics. 

Contact us for help and further information.