The programme is delivered by economists who are experts in their fields with international reputation for excellence in research (in the top 8% of research institutions worldwide). Members of the department contribute to Irish policy making using their expertise in a variety of areas such as pensions, minimum wage regulation... It makes a difference to learn economics from top-class economists who are the generators of knowledge; to have the opportunity to read their research papers and discuss the papers in class with them and to talk about real-world applications. Furthermore, the Department has the proud reputation of being warm, generous, and friendly to students. The faculty members are devoted to investing in the next generation of Irish economists.
While Economics majors and Business majors are desired by the same type of employers in private sector, such as banking and finance, the disciplines are quite different in their approach. Economics is a social science which uses technical tools for in depth analysis. Hence, they are also much desired in public sector as well as in private sector. If you are a mathsy person with a passion to tackle pressing economic, socioeconomic and socio-political challenges such as poverty, financial instability, gender and racial inequality and climate change, I recommend Economics.
Upon graduation, you will have the option of progressing to MSc Economics. This will provide further high-quality job opportunities for professional economists in government departments such as Department of Finance, in consultancy firms, in policy institutes, think tanks, in the Central Bank...