Tom Parsons

Chief Executive Officer
Hospitality, sport, leisure and tourism
Professional Certificate in Professional Leadership

My experience as a student at Maynooth University was nothing short of brilliant. The campus atmosphere was vibrant, fostering great networking opportunities and a strong sense of community.

Among the faculty members, Professor Paula Kinnarney left a profound impact on my academic journey and personal development. Her mentorship and dynamic energy served as a source of inspiration, guiding me through challenges and encouraging me to strive for excellence in my Career. As sportspeople we often focus too much energy on the pitch.

The skills and lessons I acquired during my time as a student at Maynooth University have been invaluable throughout my career. These include effective leadership strategies, mentorship techniques, continuous self discovery, and proficient management practices, all of which have played a pivotal role in shaping my professional journey.

I would emphasise the importance of focusing not only on honing technical capabilities but also on developing your behaviours and values. For me, effective leadership, teamwork, active listening, growth mindset, time management and building relationships has been key to my professional growth and success.

Tom’s profile appears in full in The Bridge 2024, the annual MU alumni magazine.