Maynooth University students, Cathal Coffey (Third Year, Politics, Philosophy and Economics) and Michel Barrett (Third year, Politics) were recently selected to participated in prestigious national events on Brexit and the Future of Europe. Michel Barrett spoke at the conference on ‘Brexit, Ireland and the Future of Europe’ hosted by the Institute for European and International Affairs at the Mansion House, Dublin on Monday 23 April 2018. Michel was one of a handful of student speakers and shared the stage with three former Taoisigh, Bertie Ahern, John Bruton and Brian Cowan, as well as Jose Manuel Barosso, former President of the European Commission and Catherine Day, former Secretary General of the European Commission. Details of the event can be found here: www.iiea.com/brexit/brexit-ireland-future-europe
Cathal Coffey was selected to speak at the Citizen’s Dialogue at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham on ‘Europe Day’, 9 May 2018. Cathal addressed themes of innovation, knowledge production and the kind of EU young people would like to see emerge. Video footage of the day can be accessed here:
Both Cathal and Michel participated in the Erasmus Plus Jean Monnet Fieldtrip to the EU institutions in Brussels, organised by the European Studies team at Maynooth University and both have taken advanced courses in European integration.