Prof Tim McCarthy


Tim is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, and Principal Investigator (PI) based in the National Centre for Geocomputation (NCG) at Maynooth University. He has over thirty years R&D experience in Earth Observation, Geographical Information Science and Geocomputation specialising in a number of research areas including;  
  • Earth Observation: Satellite, Airborne & Terrestrial Mapping Systems
  • Autonomous Systems including Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) - Drones
  • Geo-Sensor Technologies (Optical, LiDAR, Navigation, Radar)
  • Machine Learning (Geo), Geospatial Analysis & Modelling
  • Web & Mobile Geospatial Information Services 
  • Spatial Decision Support (Cloud-based) Platforms
Over the past fifteen years at Maynooth, he has led (PI/Co-PI) >32 X externally funded research projects (€28m funding), published >112 articles (papers, reports, standards, datasets), recipient/co-recipient of  8 X RTDI Awardsspun-out 2 X University companies, supervised/co-supervised (successful completion) 5 X  PhDs & 1 X MRes, currently supervising 4 PhD/MRe. He sits on >4 committees/working-groups including the Copernicus Earth Observation programme in Brussels, appointed 2015, as Irish National delegate. He provides RTDI support to Industry including a number of start-up ventures, focused around Geospatial Science & Technology, Spatial Decision Support Systems and AI. He is currently Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI of >10 X research projects including;
  • Terrain-AI : Monitoring GHG Emissions across complex terrestrial environments with Prof Rowan Fealy
  • U-Flyte : Technologies, Applications and Operations of Drones
  • CoPilot-AI : Common Operational Picture for real-time Wildfire Response (Co-PI Prof John McDonald)
  • EO-DataHub : Development of EO Data & Resource Hub : Copernicus Academy/Relay
  • MaCoBioS : Researching efficient, integrated management and conservation strategies for European marine coastal ecosystems
Additional R&D project activities include Collaborative Drone/UGV, Precision Agriculture, Road Safety Risk Analysis, Maritime Monitoring and Geospatial Interoperability.  

Research Interests

Geospatial Data Science
. Recent advances in Earth Observation (EO), Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), Sensor technologies, Connected Mobile Devices, Cloud Platforms, Open Data, Internet of Things (IoT),  Autonomous Vehicles, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) - or Drones - have ensured that geographical data continues to have a useful and important contribution to make across all sectors including; Natural Resources, Environment, Transportation, Critical Infrastructure and Emergency Management. All of these sensing technologies are capable of capturing, recording data about various static and dynamic phenomena of the world around us - usually with a very useful location-time-stamp reference. Examples include recent multispectral images of agriculture crops from Satellite sensors, GPS tracks of road vehicles, water quality or changing patterns in weather and climate. These geospatial technologies now routinely churn out Petabytes of data on a daily scale. Geographical data will remain just that if not transformed into useful information and sectoral-specific knowledge using latest Machine Learning algorithms, spatial analysis and models. Current areas of expertise and research interests include;

  • Earth Observation
    • Remote Sensing, Airborne platform, Sensor Technology, In-Situ  networks
  • Mobile Mapping Systems
    • Stereoscopic Cameras, LiDAR & GNSS/INS
  • Geocomputation
    • Cloud Platforms, Spatial Analysis, Machine Learning, Open Source, Open Standards & Decision Support Systems
  • Drones
    • Operations: Airspace Architecture, Traffic Management Systems
    • Applications: Data Gathering, Logistics, Specialist Services

Book Chapter

Year Publication
2009 Charlton M, Coveney S and McCarthy T (2009) '3 Issues in Laser Scanning' In: Laser scanning for the environmental sciences. UK : Wiley-Blackwell. [Link]
2009 Curtis, A., Mills, J.W., McCarthy, T., Fotheringham, A.S. and Fagan, W. (2009) 'Space and Time Changes in Neighborhood Recovery after a Disaster Using a Spatial Video Acquisition System' In: P. Showalter and Y. Lu(Eds.). Urban Disasters and Geotechnologies. : Springer.

Peer Reviewed Journal

Year Publication
2024 Deodoro, S. C., Moral, R. A., Fealy, R.M.., McCarthy, T., & Fealy, R. (2024) 'Using the surface scattering mechanism from dual-pol SAR data to estimate topsoil particle-size fractions'. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 128 . [DOI]
2024 Charly, A.; Misra, G.; Sonarghare, S.; Fealy, R.; McCarthy, T.; Caulfield, B. (2024) 'Evaluating the readiness for electric vehicle adoption among the urban population using geospatial techniques'. Journal of Transport Geography, 119 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Kane, S.; McCarthy, T.; Fealy, R.; Kratzer, S. (2024) 'A Validation of OLCI Sentinel-3 Water Products in the Baltic Sea and an Evaluation of the Effect of System Vicarious Calibration (SVC) on the Level-2 Water Products'. Remote Sensing, 16 (21). [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2024 Casal, G.; Trégarot, E.; Cornet, C.C.; McCarthy, T.; van der Geest, M. (2024) 'A cost-effective method to map mangrove forest extent, composition, and condition in small islands based on Sentinel-2 data: Implications for management'. Ecological Indicators, 159 . [Link] [DOI]
2024 Pérez, G.; O'Leary, B.C.; Allegri, E.; Casal, G.; Cornet, C.C.; de Juan, S.; Failler, P.; Fredriksen, S.; Fonseca, C.; Furlan, E.; Gil, A.; Hawkins, J.P.; Maréchal, J.P.; McCarthy, T.; Roberts, C.M.; Trégarot, E.; van der Geest, M.; Simide, R. (2024) 'A conceptual framework to help choose appropriate blue nature-based solutions'. Journal of Environmental Management, 352 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Sandra Cristina Deodoro, Rafael Andrade Moral, Reamonn Fealy, Tim McCarthy, Rowan Fealy (2023) 'An assessment of Sentinel 1 SAR, geophysical and topographical covariates for estimating topsoil particle size fractions'. European Journal of Soil Science, . [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2023 Grey A.; Costeira R.; Lorenzo E.; O’Kane S.; McCaul M.V.; McCarthy T.; Jordan S.F.; Allen C.C.R.; Kelleher B.P. (2023) 'Biogeochemical properties of blue carbon sediments influence the distribution and monomer composition of bacterial polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)'. Biogeochemistry, . [DOI]
2023 Casal, G.; McCarthy, T. (2023) 'Marine coastal biodiversity and services in Ireland in a three-dimensional context: Scientific, news media, and legislative'. Ocean and Coastal Management, 244 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Grey, A.; Costeira, R.; Lorenzo, E.; O’Kane, S.; McCaul, M.V.; McCarthy, T.; Jordan, S.F.; Allen, C.C.R.; Kelleher, B.P. (2023) 'Geochemical properties of blue carbon sediments through an elevation gradient: study of an anthropogenically impacted coastal lagoon'. Biogeochemistry, 162 . [Link] [DOI]
2023 Fonseca C.; Wood L.E.; Andriamahefazafy M.; Casal G.; Chaigneau T.; Cornet C.C.; Degia A.K.; Failler P.; Ferraro G.; Furlan E.; Hawkins J.; de Juan S.; Krause T.; McCarthy T.; Pérez G.; Roberts C.; Trégarot E.; O'Leary B.C. (2023) 'Survey data of public awareness on climate change and the value of marine and coastal ecosystems'. Data In Brief, 47 . [DOI]
2022 Upreti, D.; McCarthy, T.; O’Neill, M.; Ishola, K.; Fealy, R. (2022) 'Application and Evaluation of a Simple Crop Modelling Framework: A Case Study for Spring Barley, Winter Wheat and Winter Oilseed Rape over Ireland'. Agronomy, 12 . [Link] [DOI]
2022 Casal G.; Cordeiro C.; McCarthy T. (2022) 'Using Satellite-Based Data to Facilitate Consistent Monitoring of the Marine Environment around Ireland'. Remote Sensing, 14 (7). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 McCarthy, T.; Pforte, L.; Burke, R. (2020) 'Fundamental elements of an urban UTM'. Aerospace, 7 . [Link] [DOI]
2020 Cahalane C, Monteys X, Magee A, Hanafin J, Harris P, McCarthy T (2020) 'Studying Submarine Geomorphology in an INFOMAR Priority Bay through the application of Remote Sensing Techniques'. Irish Geography, 53 (1):43-57. [Link]
2020 Rossiter, T; Furey, T; McCarthy, T; Stengel, DB (2020) 'Application of multiplatform, multispectral remote sensors for mapping intertidal macroalgae: A comparative approach'. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, . [DOI]
2020 Rob O’Hara, Stuart Green, Tim McCarthy, Conor Cahalane, Owen Fenton, Pat Tuohy (2020) 'Identifying artificially drained pasture soils using machine learning and Earth observation imagery'. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 14 (3):1-16. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2020 Rossiter, T., Furey, T., McCarthy, T., & Stengel, D. B. (2020) 'UAV-mounted hyperspectral mapping of intertidal macroalgae'. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 242 (1):1-16. [Link] [DOI]
2020 Casal G.; Hedley J.D.; Monteys X.; Harris P.; Cahalane C.; McCarthy T. (2020) 'Satellite-derived bathymetry in optically complex waters using a model inversion approach and Sentinel-2 data'. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 241 . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Askari M.; McCarthy T.; Magee A.; Murphy D. (2019) 'Evaluation of grass quality under different soil management scenarios using remote sensing techniques'. Remote Sensing, 11 (15). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 Gema Casal and Paul Harris and Xavier Monteys and John Hedley and Conor Cahalane and Tim McCarthy (2019) 'Understanding satellite-derived bathymetry using Sentinel 2 imagery and spatial prediction models'. 0 (0):1-16. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 O’Hara R, Green S, & McCarthy T (2019) 'The agricultural impact of the 2015–2016 floods in Ireland as mapped through Sentinel 1 satellite imagery'. Irish Journal Of Agricultural And Food Research, 58(1) (44):1-22. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2018 Casal G.; Monteys X.; Hedley J.; Harris P.; Cahalane C.; McCarthy T. (2018) 'Assessment of empirical algorithms for bathymetry extraction using Sentinel-2 data'. International Journal for Remote Sensing, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Kumar P.; Lewis P.; McCarthy T. (2017) 'The potential of active contour models in extracting road edges from mobile laser scanning data'. Infrastructures, 2 (3). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2017 Cahalane, C; Walsh, D.; Magee, A.; Mannion, S.; Lewis, P.; McCarthy, T (2017) 'Sensor Pods: Multi-Resolution Surveys from a Light Aircraft'. Inventions, . [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 McCaul M.; Barland J.; Cleary J.; Cahalane C.; McCarthy T.; Diamond D. (2016) 'Combining remote temperature sensing with in-situ sensing to track marine/freshwater mixing dynamics'. Sensors, 16 (9). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Cahalane C.; Lewis P.; McElhinney C.; McNerney E.; McCarthy T. (2016) 'Improving MMS performance during infrastructure surveys through geometry aided design'. Infrastructures, 1 (1). [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Kumar, Pankaj and Lewis, Paul and McElhinney, Conor P and Boguslawski, Pawel and McCarthy, Tim (2016) 'Snake Energy Analysis and Result Validation for a Mobile Laser Scanning Data-Based Automated Road Edge Extraction Algorithm'. :1-11. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2016 Weekley, Jill and Barrell, John and McCarthy, Tim (2016) 'Developing a road safety review tool to identify design standard and safety deficits on high risk road sections'. 14 :4130-4139. [Full-Text]
2015 Cahalane, C; Lewis, P; McElhinney, CP; McCarthy, T (2015) 'Optimising Mobile Mapping System Laser Scanner Orientation'. Isprs International Journal Of Geo-Information, 4 :302-319. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Cahalane, C; McElhinney, CP; Lewis, P; McCarthy, T (2014) 'Calculation of Target-Specific Point Distribution for 2D Mobile Laser Scanners'. Sensors, 14 :9471-9488. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Cahalane, C; McElhinney, CP; Lewis, P; McCarthy, T (2014) 'MIMIC: An Innovative Methodology for Determining Mobile Laser Scanning System Point Density'. Remote Sensing, 6 :7857-7877. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Kumar, Pankaj and McElhinney, Conor P. and Lewis, Paul and McCarthy, Timothy (2014) 'Automated road markings extraction from mobile laser scanning data'. 32 :125-137. [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2014 Dubber, Donata and Pilla, Francesco and Smyth, David and Qazi, Nadeem and McCarthy, Tim and Gill, Laurence W. (2014) 'Development of a geographic information system-based decision support toolset to assess the feasibility of on-site wastewater treatment and disposal options in low permeability subsoils'. 70 (3):464-471. [Full-Text]
2013 Radu, T; Gallagher, S; Byrne, B; Harris, P; Coveney, S; McCarron, S; McCarthy, T; Diamond, D (2013) 'Portable X-Ray Fluorescence as a Rapid Technique for Surveying Elemental Distributions in Soil'. Spectroscopy Letters, 46 :516-526. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2013 Kumar, P; McElhinney, CP; Lewis, P; McCarthy, T (2013) 'An automated algorithm for extracting road edges from terrestrial mobile LiDAR data'. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 85 :44-55. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2010 Lewis, P and McElhinney, C and Sch\"on, B and Mc Carthy, T (2010) 'Mobile Mapping System LiDAR Data Framework'. . [Full-Text]
2010 Mccarthy, T and Maynooth, N and Mcelhinney, C and Cahalane, C and Kumar, P (2010) 'Initial results from european road safety inspection (eursi) mobile mapping project'. . [Full-Text]
2010 Coveney, S; Fotheringham, AS; Charlton, M; McCarthy, T (2010) 'Dual-scale validation of a medium-resolution coastal DEM with terrestrial LiDAR DSM and GPS'. Computers and Geosciences, 36 :489-499. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2008 McCarthy T., Zheng J. and Fotheringham A.S. (2008) 'Integration of dynamic LiDAR and image sensor data for route corridor mapping'. THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, XXXVII :1125-1130. [Full-Text]
2008 Zheng J., McCarthy T. and Fotheringham A. Stewart (2008) 'Linear feature extraction of buildings from terrestrial LiDAR data with morphological techniques'. THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, XXXVII :241-244. [Full-Text]
2007 Curtis A.; Mills J.; Kennedy B.; Fotheringham S.; Mccarthy T. (2007) 'Understanding the geography of post-traumatic stress: An academic justification for using a spatial video acquisition system in the response to Hurricane Katrina'. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 15 (4):208-219. [DOI] [Full-Text]
2007 McCarthy T, Charlton M, Fotheringham A S, and O'Malley V. (2007) 'Integration of LiDAR and Stereoscopic Imagery for Automated Route Corridor Inventory'. THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, XXXVI :203-209. [Full-Text]
2007 McCarthy T., Fotheringham A. S. and Gearoid O'Rian (2007) 'Compact Airborne Image Mapping System (CAIMS)'. THE INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF THE PHOTOGRAMMETRY, REMOTE SENSING AND SPATIAL INFORMATION SCIENCES, XXXVI :198-202. [Full-Text]
2003 Raper, J and Livingstone, D and Bristow, C and McCarthy, T (2003) 'Constructing a geomorphological database of coastal change using GIS'. :399-413.
1999 Livingstone, David and Raper, Jonathan and McCarthy, Timothy (1999) 'Integrating aerial videography and digital photography with terrain modelling: an application for coastal geomorphology'. 29 (1):77-92. [Full-Text]
1998 Raper, J. F., & McCarthy, T. and Williams N (1998) 'Georeferenced four-dimensional virtual environments: principles and applications'. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 22 :529-539. [Full-Text]

Conference Publication

Year Publication
2024 Avila, E.A.; Magee, A.; McCarthy, T.; McDonald, J. (2024) IET Conference Proceedings Aerial Image Based Localisation via Learned Embeddings [Link] [DOI]
2022 Finkele, K., Hochstrasser, T., Murphy, P. N. C., Daly, E., Jarmain, C., Richards, K., Fenton, O., Cummins, T., Saunders, M., Johnston, P. M., Bruen, M., Byrne, K. A., Delaney, D. T., Fealy, R., Green, S., Higgins, S., Hunter Williams, N., Lanigan, G., McCarthy, T., McCormack, T., Mellander, P.-E., Nicholson, O., Nugent, C., O'Loughlin, F., Tobin, B., Tuohy, P., and Whetton, R (2022) EMS Annual Meeting 2022 The new Irish Soil Moisture Observation Network–ISMON: an Umbrella for Integrating Several Recent Soil Moisture Measurements Initiatives Bonn, Germany, [Link]
2021 Buosi S, Sonarghare S, McDonald J and McCarthy T (2021) 23rd Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference (IMVIP 2021) More efficient Geospatial ML modelling techniques for identifying man-made features in Aerial Ortho-imagery Dublin, [Full-Text]
2019 J Kaivosoja, O Niemeläinen, R Näsi, R Burke, T McCarthy, B O’Brien, D Murphy, M Murphy, F Oudshoorn, L Hart, C Umstätter, E Honkavaara (2019) Precision Livestock Farming'19 . In: O’Brien B., Hennessy D. Shalloo L eds. Evaluation of remote sensing technologies and cloud services to support grassland management
2019 Murphy D, O' Brien B, Askari M, McCarthy T, Magee A, Burke R, and Murphy M (2019) 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting GrassQ - A holistic precision grass measurement and analysis system to optimize pasture based livestock production [Link] [DOI] [Full-Text]
2019 B O’Brien, D Murphy, MS Askari, R Burke, A Magee, C Umstätter, L Hart, F Oudshoorn, M Murphy, J Kaivosoja, R Näsi, E Honkavaara, T McCarth (2019) Precision Livestock Farming'19 . In: O’Brien B., Hennessy D. Shalloo L eds. Modelling precision grass measurements for a web-based decision platform to aid grassland management
2018 Paul Lewis, Tim McCarthy (2018) European Transport Conference TN-ITS GO; Ireland's steps towards a harmonised European Service for fresh and accurate Road-Network Map Data [Link] [Full-Text]
2016 cCaul, Margaret, Barland, Jack, McNamara, Eoghan, McCluskey, Peter, Cahalane, Conor, McCarthy, Tim and Diamond, Dermot (2016) Innovation in Environmental Monitoring, 21-22 Sept 2016, University of York, York, UK Tracking dynamics of freshwater and marine water mixing using satellite and flyover thermal imaging combined with in-situ sensing [Link]
2016 McCaul, Margaret, Barland, Jack, McNamara, Eoghan, McCluskey, Peter, Cahalane, Conor, McCarthy, Tim and Diamond, Dermot (2016) ISEH2016 & ISEG2016 Integrating geospatial remote and in-situ sensing: opportunities and challenges [Link]
2013 Qazi, Nadeem and Smyth, David and McCarthy, Tim (2013) Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim), 2013 UKSim 15th International Conference on Towards a GIS-based decision support system on the amazon cloud for the modelling of domestic wastewater treatment solutions in Wexford, Ireland [Full-Text]
2012 Cahalane, Conor and McCarthy, Tim and McElhinney, Conor P (2012) Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on computing for geospatial research and applications MIMIC: Mobile mapping point density calculator [Full-Text]
2012 Lewis, Paul and Mc Elhinney, Conor P and McCarthy, Timothy (2012) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research and Applications Lidar data management pipeline; from spatial database population to web-application visualization [Full-Text]
2011 McElhinney, Conor P and Lewis, Paul and McCarthy, Timothy (2011) Proceedings of the MMT11, the 7th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology, Krakaw, Poland Mobile terrestrial LiDAR data-sets in a spatial database framework [Full-Text]
2011 Cahalane, Conor and McElhinney, Conor P and McCarthy, Tim (2011) Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT11), Krakaw, Poland Calculating the effect of dual-axis scanner rotations and surface orientation on scan profiles [Full-Text]
2010 Kumar, Pankaj and McCarthy, Tim and McElhinney, Conor P (2010) Proceedings of the European Laser Mapping Forum (ELMF 2010), The Hague, The Netherlands Automated road extraction from terrestrial based mobile laser scanning system using the gvf snake model [Full-Text]
2010 Cahalane, Conor and McElhinney, Conor P and McCarthy, Tim (2010) Proceedings of the European laser Mapping Forum (ELMF 2010), The Hague, The Netherlands Mobile mapping system performance: An analysis of the effect of laser scanner configuration and vehicle velocity on scan profiles [Full-Text]
2010 McCarthy, T and McElhinney, C (2010) European Transport Conference, 2010 European road safety inspection (EuRSI) research project [Full-Text]
2010 Cahalane, C and McCarthy, T and McElhinney, CP (2010) Remote Sensing \& Photogrammety Society Annual Conference-'From the sea-bed to the cloudtops Mobile mapping system performance-An initial investigation into the effect of vehicle speed on laser scan lines [Full-Text]
2010 McElhinney, CP and Kumar, Pankaj and Cahalane, Conor and McCarthy, Timothy (2010) Proceedings of the ISPRS Commission V Technical Symposium, Newcastle, UK Initial results from European Road Safety Inspection (EURSI) mobile mapping project [Full-Text]
2009 Doyle J, Farrell R, McLoone S, McCarthy T, and Hung P (2009) China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (CIICT 2009), Maynooth, Ireland, 19-21 August 2009 Extracting Localised Mobile Activity Patterns from Cumulative Mobile Spectrum RSSI [Full-Text]
2009 Doyle J, Farrell R, McLoone S, McCarthy T, Tahir M and Hung P (2009) Proceedings of the 20th IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2009), Dublin, Ireland, June 2009 Utilising Mobile Phone RSSI Metric for HumanActivity Detection [Full-Text]
2009 Hung P, Tahir M, Farrell R, McLoone S and McCarthy T (2009) Proceedings of the 20th IET Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2009), Dublin, Ireland, June 2009 Wireless Sensor Networks for Activity Monitoring using Multi-sensor Multi-modal Node Architecture [Full-Text]
2009 Tahir M, Hung P, Farrell R, Mcloone S and McCarthy T (2009) China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies (CIICT 2009), Maynooth, Ireland, 19-21 August 2009 Lightweight Signal Processing Algorithms for Human Activity Monitoring using Dual PIR-sensor Nodes [Full-Text]
2008 McCarthy T, Farrell R, Curtis A and Fotheringham A.S. (2008) Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring, GIS Applications, and Geology VIII. Proceedings of SPIE. Cardiff, UK 2008 Integrated remotely sensed datasets for disaster management [Full-Text]
2007 Lewis, P and Winstanley, A and McCarthy, T (2007) Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 2007. IMVIP 2007. International Synchronised Encoding of GPS NMEA Messages onto High Definition Video Streams [Full-Text]
2007 Lewis, Paul and McCarthy, Tim and Winstanley, Adam C. and Fotheringham, Stewart (2007) 9th International Conference on GeoComputation, 3-5 September 2007, Maynooth Software algorithm for decoding GPS from spatially encoded video [Link] [Full-Text]
2006 Riain G.; McCarthy T.; Kelly K.; Reddy S.; O'Malley V. (2006) EURONOISE 2006 - The 6th European Conference on Noise Control: Advanced Solutions for Noise Control Data capture and presentation techniques in support of the eu environmental noise directive
1999 McCarthy, Timothy (1999) European Symposium on Utilisation of the International Space Station, 2 nd, Noordwijk, Netherlands Real-time mapping using multispectral spaceborne videography- Prototype design for the ISS encompassing space and ground segment [Full-Text]
1998 Raper, JF and McCarthy, Timothy and Unwin, David (1998) Proceedings GISRUK Multi dimensional Virtual Reality Geographic Information System,(VRGIS): Research guidelines
1997 Raper, J and McCarthy, T and Williams, N (1997) AGI-CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS- Integration of real-time GIS data with Web-based virtual worlds
1997 Raper, Jonathan and McCarthy, Timothy and Williams, Nathan (1997) Proceedings of the ESRI User Conference 1997 Integrating ArcView and Geographically Referenced VRML Models in Real Time
1997 Fisher, P and Dykes, J and Moore, K and Wood, J and McCarthy, T and Raper, J and Unwin, D and Williams, N and Jenkins, A (1997) Geological Teaching and Learning Network Conference The virtual field course: an educational application of GIS
1997 McCarthy, Timothy and Raper, Jonathan and Cooper, Roger (1997) International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition- Development, Integration, Applications \& Operations, 3 rd, Copenhagen, Denmark Real-time geographic positioning features in airborne videography
1995 Raper, J and McCarthy, T (1995) AGI-CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS- Spatial data decision support using multimedia
1994 Raper, JF and McCarthy, T (1994) Proc. Association for Geographic Information conference Virtually GIS: the new media arrive
1994 Raper, JF and McCarthy, Timothy (1994) Proceedings of the European GIS Conference Using airborne videography to assess coastal evolution and hazards
1993 Raper, J and McCarthy, F and Livingstone, D (1993) Proceedings of the AGI Conference, Birmingham: AGI Interfacing GIS with virtual reality technology

Conference Contribution

Year Publication
2008 (2008) EuroSDR & ISPRS Workshop 2008 .
2008 (2008) GEOIDE Annual Conference .
2008 (2008) Irish Earth Observation Researchers Symposium .
2008 (2008) Remote Sensing for Environmental Monitoring Conf .
2007 (2007) Remote Sensing & Spatial Information Sciences Conf .
2005 (2005) Use of LiDar for Virtual Route Corridor Design Invited seminar, Environment Agency Bath, UK, .

Published Report

Year Publication
2024 Fealy, R.; McCarthy, T.; De Andrade Moral, R.; Nair, A.; Li, D.; Ishola, K.; Fealy, R.M.; O'Sullivan, L. (2024) SoMoSAT – Soil Moisture Estimates from Satellite-based Earth Observations. Environmental Protection Agency, . [Link] [Full-Text]
2023 McCarthy T., Foyle F., Misra G., O'Sullivan L., Lewis P., and McBrierty L (2023) Investigation of novel A.I. & Decision Support technologies for improved Environmental & Sustainable Management of GNI’s Right of Way (RoW). Gas Networks Ireland, . [Link]

Electronic Article

Year Publication
2022 McCarthy T, McDonald J, Keogh S and O'Reilly J (2022) How data can be used to help fight wildfires in real-time. Dublin: [Electronic Article] [Link]
2020 McCarthy T (2020) U-Flyte researchers develop new concept for urban UTM. London, UK: [Electronic Article] [Link]
2019 McCarthy T (2019) Will utm eventually spell the demise of the commercial drone operator. [Electronic Article] [Link]
2018 McCarthy T (2018) In an urban, BVLOS-based drone eco-system machines will play a much larger role in regulating UTM. [Electronic Article] [Link]

Magazine Article

Year Publication
1999 McCarthy, Tim (1999) AutoCAD Express NT: Covering Release 14. [Magazine Article]

Magazine Article

Year Publication
2013 McCarthy, Tim (2013) AutoCAD express. [Magazine Article]
1998 McCarthy, T and Raper, J (1998) GIS for the Mac is not a crowded market. [Magazine Article]
1997 McCarthy, T and Raper, J (1997) New Moves in the Aerial Ballet: The evolution of aerial videography and explain how applied videometrics helps us extract useful spatial data from aerial films, in real-time. [Magazine Article]
1996 Raper, J and McCarthy, T (1996) On Video: In the search for fast and cost effective data capture, aerial videography is the new kid on the block. [Magazine Article]
1995 Cooper, R and McCarthy, T and Raper, J (1995) Airborne videography and GPS. [Magazine Article]

Review Articles

Year Publication
1998 McCarthy, T (1998) GIS Online by Brandon Plewe a down-to-earth primer. [Review Articles]


Year Publication
1999 McCarthy T (1999) Integrating Aerial Video with GIS. University of London (Birkbeck): [Thesis] [Link]

Technical Publication

Year Publication
2014 McCarthy T and Burke R (2014) ESReT : User Guide. [Technical Publication] [Link]
2013 McCarthy T., Langenbach Z., Pforte L., and Lewis P. (2013) A review of design speed based on observed behaviour. [Technical Publication] [Link]
2012 McCarthy T (2012) EuRSI: Final Report. [Technical Publication] [Link]
2011 McCarthy T (2011) EuRSI - D 3.2 Risk Assessment Review. [Technical Publication] [Link]
2009 O'Riain G and McCarthy T (2009) Innovative Data Capture and Presentation Techniques in Support of the EU Environmental Noise Directive. [Technical Publication] [Link] [Full-Text]

Short Survey

Year Publication
2022 Catarina Fonseca, Louisa Wood, mialy andriamahefazafy, Gema Casal, Tomas Chaigneau, Cindy C. CORNET, Anna Degia, Failler Pierre, Gianluca Ferraro, Elisa Furlan, Julie Hawkins, Silvia de Juan, Torsten Krause, Timothy McCarthy, Géraldine Pérez, Callum Roberts, Ewan TREGAROT, Bethan C. O’Leary (2022) Marine and coastal ecosystems and climate change: dataset from a public awareness survey. [Short Survey] [Link] [DOI]


Year Publication
2012 McCarthy, Timothy (2012) Synchronisation system. [Other]


Year Publication
2011 Stephenson M, McCarthy T, Byrne D, NiRaghallaigh D, MacAonghusa P \& Riordan P (2011) Dublinked Metadata Profile. [Standard]
Certain data included herein are derived from the © Web of Science (2025) of Clarivate. All rights reserved.

Professional Associations

Description Function From / To
Royal Institute of Navigation Fellow 22/04/2020 -
Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow 06/03/2024 -
Irish Computer Society Fellow - 03/06/2020
Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland Member/Chartered Surveyor - 31/03/2020
Royal Geographical Society Fellow - 07/02/2020
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Member - 31/03/2020
European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Member 01/08/2021 - 31/01/2024
ITS Ireland Member 01/08/2013 - 12/02/2019

Honors and Awards

Date Title Awarding Body
22/02/2023 SFI Defence Organisation Innovation Challenge (with Prof John McDonald, Prof Charles Markham and wider MU Team) SFI
01/05/2022 US-Ireland (Research Innovation Award) with Prof Rowan Fealy RIA & American Chamber of Commerce Ireland
01/11/2021 AI Awards (Social Good) with Prof Rowan Fealy AI Awards
01/10/2012 Copernicus Masters International (ESA & Copernicus)
01/01/2010 IBM Research Award IBM
01/01/2012 SmartBay Innovation SmartBay Consortium
01/01/2011 Commercialisation Award Maynooth University
01/01/2010 Google Research Award Google


Committee Function From / To
Marine Institute Board Member 02/02/2024 -
EU: European Copernicus Committee (Brussels) National Delegate 01/11/2015 - 01/06/2023
IE: Unmanned Aircraft Association Ireland Founding Committee Member 02/04/2016 - 01/09/2019
MU: Aerial and Drone Oversight Committee (ADOC) Member 01/08/2023 -
IE: Marine Research Advisory Group Member 01/09/2016 -
EU: Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP) Leadership Group Member 01/05/2019 -
IE: Guidelines for testing Autonomous Vehicles on Irish Roads Member 01/03/2018 - 02/02/2019
EU: Copernicus Sentinel Benefit Study Stakeholder/Reviewer 01/02/2018 - 01/02/2019
CITY COUNCIL: Knowledge Management & Open Data Project Peer Review Member 01/02/2012 - 06/06/2013


Client Description
Verifly Geospatial Scientific Adviser

Outreach Activities

Organisation Type Description
Sunday Times Civic Society 2024 (Sunday Times) Drones Article: Fight for the skies: the drone companies wanting to deliver your dinner [Link]
SFI Civic Society 2024 (SFI). Terrain-AI: Launch with Minister Eamonn Ryan (YouTube : 14mins) [Link]
SFI News Civic Society 2024 (SFI). Terrain-AI: Urban Sense, Monitoring greenhouse gas emissions in real time across Dublin [Link]
RTE Civic Society 2024 (RTE) Terrain-AI : Urban Sense Project. Greenhouse gas sensors to monitor Dublin's emissions. [Link]
SFI News Civic Society 2023 (SFI News Release) Little Book of Science : CoPilot-AI/DecaMap project featured on Page-8. [Link]
RTE Civic Society 2023 (RTE-1) Science Programme - Terrain-AI featured on Game-Changer : AI & You [Link]
SFI News Civic Society 2023 (SFI News Release) Terrain-AI : Climate Change & Sustainability [Link]
RTE Radio-1 Civic Society 2023 (RTE Radio-1 Drivetime) SFI Defence Organisation Award [Link]
Irish Independent Civic Society 2023 (Irish Independent) SFI Defence Organisation Award [Link]
Silicon Republic Civic Society 2023 (Silicon Republic) SFI-Defense Organisation Challenge Award [Link]
Irish Times Civic Society 2023 (Irish Times) SFI Defence Organisation Award [Link]
RTE Civic Society 2023 (RTE) SFI Defence Organisation Award [Link]
Irish Examiner Civic Society 2023 (Irish Examiner) SFI Defence Organisation Challenge Award [Link]
Silicon Republic Civic Society 2022 (Silicon Republic) CoPilot-AI Project - Challenges of Competitive Funding [Link]
RTE Civic Society 2022 (RTE) Brainstorm : CoPilot-AI [Link]
RIA Civic Society 2022 (RIA) Terrain-AI wins US-Ireland Research Innovation Awards [Link]
Silicon Republic Industry 2022 (Silicon Republic) Copernicus Academy & Relay in Ireland [Link]
Smart Dublin Civic Society 2022 (Smart Dublin, DCC) Future Proofing Dublin's Skies (Drones) [Link]
Silicon Republic Civic Society 2022 (Silicon Republic) SFI-Defense Organisation Challenge [Link]
Irish Times Civic Society 2021 (Irish Times) Terrain-AI [Link]
Irish Examiner Industry 2020 (Irish Examiner) SFI Terrain-AI Project [Link]
Silicon Republic Civic Society 2020 (Silicon Republic) Geospatial Science [Link]
Irish Times Industry 2020 (Irish Times) Terrain-AI Project [Link]
RTE Industry 2020 (RTE) SFI Terrain-AI Morning Ireland [Link]
Silicon Republic Industry 2020 (Silicon Republic) SFI Terrain-AI Project [Link]
Irish Tech News Civic Society 2020 (Irish Tech News) SFI Terrain-AI Project [Link]
Irish Research Council Civic Society 2020 (Irish Research Council) Twenty-six Projects Announced under the COVID-19 Rapid Response Research and Innovation Programme [Link]
Silicon Republic Industry 2020 (Silicon Republic) SFI Covid-19 R&D Funding Award for 'Data Platform for Emergency Response Management' [Link]
Irish Times Civic Society 2019 (Irish Times) Drones in Agriculture [Link]
Silicon Republic Industry 2019 (Silicon Republic) Announcement of NATDaP Research Project - funded by SFI Research Infrastructure programme [Link]
Radio (Northern Sound) Civic Society 2019 (Radio) Promoting U-Flyte's use of Drones in Agriculture - Northern Sound Radio [Link]
Think Business Ireland Industry 2019 (Think Business) Announcement of SFI Research Infrastructure Awards including 'National Autonomous Technology Data Platform (NATDap)' [Link]
Commercial UAV News, USA Industry 2019 (Commercial UAV News, USA). Ireland’s U-Flyte is Building a UTM for a Future with Fewer Drone Operators [Link]
Unmanned Airspace Industry 2019 (Unmanned Airspace) Will UTM eventually spell the demise of the commercial drone operator? [Link]
RTE (Drive Time) Civic Society 2019 (RTE Drive-Time): Rogue Drone Activities (move to play-tab 02:25 on podcast) [Link]
Sunday Times Civic Society 2019 (Sunday Times Article): Rogue Drone Operation Article with reporter Graeme Lennox [Link]
RTE (News) Civic Society 2018 (RTE News) : Explaining and Promoting U-Flyte - drone research programme [Link]
RTE Morning Ireland Civic Society 2018 (RTE Morning Ireland) Explaining and promoting U-Flyte - Drone Research programme [Link]
RTE (Drive-Time) Civic Society 2018 RTE (Drive-Time Radio) Drones used for Search and Rescue (move to Play-tab 01:52:20) [Link]
Unmanned Airspace Industry 2018 (Unmanned Airspace Systems) Article on U-Space & UTM [Link]
IRLOGI Industry 2017 (IRLOGI). Panelist. Annual IRLOGI GIS Conference Ireland [Link]
Marine Institute Civic Society 2016 (Marine Institute Ocean Wealth) Video clip detailing role of EO & Drones for Maritime Monitoring [Link]
SFI Little Book of Irish Science Civic Society 2016 (SFI Booklet) detailing various STEM related R&D activities [Link]
Sunday Business Post Civic Society 2015 (Sunday Business Post: Newspaper) article on drone research [Link]
RTE (Creedon's Weather) Civic Society 2014 (RTE Creedon's Weather): Drones for mapping storm damage [Link]
RTE Science Squad Civic Society 2013 (RTE Science Squad TV programme) Drones for Precision Agriculture [Link]
New York Times Civic Society 2010 (New York Times Article). Designer and developer of Geospatial Video Mapping software used to record recovery post-Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, USA [Link]