German, School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures 

Please note:
Most of the emails we receive are requests for information that can very easily be found on our departmental website, on Moodle or in the Students’ Handbook.
Before sending us a query, please check there to see if you can find the answer yourself!
If you have a query about First Year, please contact the First Year Coordinator, Dr. Jeff Morrison.
If you have a query about Second Year, please contact the Second Year Coordinators, Dr. Linda Shortt & Ms. Astrid Schumenjak.
If you have a query about the Year Abroad, please contact the Erasmus Coordinator, Dr. Jeff Morrison.
If you have a query about Final Year, please contact the Final Year Coordinator, Dr. Clive Earls.
If you have a query about Postgraduate Studies, please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator, Dr. Clive Earls.
General queries about German at Maynooth University should be sent to [email protected]
If you have a query about the time or venue for a class, please check the online University timetable.
If you have a query about the dates/times of university exams, please check with the Exams Office.​

If you are sending us an email, please ensure that it contains the following four pieces of information:
1.     Your name;
2.     Your student number;
3.     Your question/request expressed in clear and concise terms. If your query concerns a particular module, ensure to provide the module code;
4.     What you have done so far to try to resolve this yourself.
Any email that does not contain these four pieces of information will be returned to the sender.
Please note also that we will only respond to queries within business hours.

Dr Cordula Böcking, Subject Leader / Assistant Professor, [email protected]

Term Consultation Times: 

Final year coordinator.

Rye Hall Building Block D, North Campus, Ground Floor, Room F.   Tel. 353 1 4747494
Ms Fiona Cummins, Senior Executive Assistant, [email protected]
Rye Hall Building Block D, North Campus, Room 101 Administration Hub.  Tel. +353-1-7083419

German Studies Fax: +353-1-7083740

Professor Valerie Heffernan, Head of School, School of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures,  [email protected]

Term Consultation Times:          Wednesday 2.30-3.30 (tbc)   

Arts Building, North Campus, Room 30 Tel. +353-1-7083708
Dr Jeffrey Morrison, Associate Professor, [email protected]

Term Consultation Times:   Wednesday 10.00-11.00   Please contact the teacher in advance by email to confirm appointment. 
1st year coordinator,  International Coordinator.

Rye Hall Building Block D, North Campus, Third Floor, Room A.   Tel. 353 1 7083806
Dr Clive Earls, Assistant Professor,  [email protected] 
Postgraduate coordinator.

Term Consultation Times: 

Rye Hall Building Block D, North Campus, Second Floor, Room C.   Tel. 353 1 4747512
 Dr Linda Shortt,  Assistant Professor, [email protected]

Term Consultation Times:      by appointment.
2nd year coordinator.      

Rye Hall Building Block D, North Campus, Third Floor, Room H.  Tel. +353 -1- 7083717


Ms Astrid Schumenjak,  Austrian OeAD Lecturer, [email protected]

Term Consultation Times:     or by appointment.
2nd year coordinator.


Rye Hall Building Block D, North Campus, Second Floor, Room H.   Tel. 353 1 7083809
Ms Sylvia Albicker, Tutor,  [email protected] 

Term Consultation Times:      Wednesday 3.00-4.00   Please contact the teacher in advance by email to confirm appointment.

Rye Hall Building Block D, North Campus, Third Floor, Room A.  
Dr Andreas Boldt, Tutor, [email protected] 

Term Consultation Times:     or by appointment.

Rye Hall Building, Block D, North Campus, Room   Tel. 353 1 4747737