The Role of the Reviewee

Reviewee: shall be understood to mean everyone working in Maynooth University who is in scope of the Developmental Review policy. 

The role of the Reviewee is to reflect on their objectives and contributions to the University since their last review and for the coming review period. They should consider their career development opportunities and needs.
Their responsibilities are to:

  • Complete Developmental Review Reviewee Workshop. DR Reviewee Workshop Outline
  • For a full list of scheduled dates & times please see the Reviewee Workshop Calendar
  • Engage positively with their reviewer.
  • Reflect on their achievements and role.
  • Agree clear and relevant objectives and standards for the coming review cycle which are aligned to the key priorities of the Unit and reflect on how these will be achieved.
  • Identify challenges and constraints that may impact on these and how they can be overcome.
  • Discuss and agree relevant development opportunities that may be required for the achievement of the agreed objectives and any relevant career aspirations.
  • Work towards the achievement of the agreed objectives.
  • Advise their reviewer at the earliest opportunity of any issues which may impact on their capability to deliver these agreed objectives.
  • Participate in approved development opportunities.

Reviewees should consult the University Strategy and any other relevant documentation specific to their Department/Unit to support their review.

Further documentation relating to the Developmental Review framework is available here