What is Developmental Review?
The Developmental Review is a continuous engagement process which provides a structured framework for regular communication, feedback and development conversations between staff within the University.
The purpose of the Framework is to provide an opportunity for staff to reflect on their current objectives, contribution and any challenges they experience during a specific timeline. The framework provides the opportunity to agree future individual objectives in line with university strategy and inform career planning and development requirements. The process will help to align the objectives of the Reviewee with the goals of the Unit and with those of the University, providing for a more formal channel of communication and feedback between Reviewers and Reviewees.
The review conversations should foster clear, open and two-way communication regarding ways of sustaining and improving individual development and identifying and addressing individual needs. Such a framework is not intended to interfere with or compromise the principles of academic freedom which are enshrined in the Universities Act, 1997 and to which the university is committed to.

The Developmental Review will:

  • value individual contributions by providing feedback in a supportive and constructive manner, and recognise different people work in different ways.
  • develop the capability of all staff, by focussing on the employee’s current role and their future career plans.
  • be carried out in line with the principles of the University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and the values of the University

There is no link between the Developmental Review framework and pay, promotion or discipline.

The Developmental Review will apply to all staff of the University who have at least one year remaining on their contract of employment, from when their review is due to commence.
All staff who will be reviewed must have successfully completed their probation before being part of the Developmental Review process.
Staff on long term absences, sabbatical, career break, statutory leave or long-term sick leave, are not expected to complete a review for the duration of the leave, unless they request a review through their Head of Unit.
It is expected that all staff in scope co-operate fully in this process.

A video which highlights the importance of the Developmental Review Framework is available by clicking this link  Developmental Review Framework 

A summary of the Developmental Review Framework can be found here Developmental Review Summary