General Collections in the John Paul II Library is the main collection of books, journals, reference, theses, audio visual and official publications primarily on open access and available for loan.
Maynooth University Library
Audio Visual
The Library holds a collection of audio visual material on level 1, which includes DVDs and CDs relating mainly to film, drama and music. Most items may be borrowed for 3 weeks. LibrarySearch lists this material and the prefix AV appears before the location.
The core book collection is shelved in the John Paul II Library on levels 1 and 2. Material is classified according to the Dewey Decimal System, which arranges knowledge hierarchically by subject. The list indicates the main subjects, their location and floor on which they are shelved. LibrarySearch lists books and other materials held in the Library. For further information on borrowing please refer to the Borrowing page.
Definition of a Journal
A journal is an ongoing publication with a distinctive title, which comes out in issues at regular intervals e.g. daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly etc. Each issue contains articles, which are written by different authors. The information is generally more up-to-date than in a book.
Journal Collection
The Library subscribes to a comprehensive range of journals. Some of these are in print format but the majority are available electronically. The core print journal collection is located in compact shelving on levels 1 and 2 in the John Paul II Library. Instructions for accessing the material are posted at the shelves. The journals are shelved alphabetically by journal title within four collections:
- Arts- level 2
- Science and Engineering- level 1
- Social Science- level 1
- Theology - level 2
Some pre-1900 and infrequently-used print journals are housed in other locations. Arrangements for consultation may be requested at the Information Desk on level 0.
Locating and Borrowing Journals
Use LibrarySearch to find print and electronic journals held by the Library. For further information on borrowing please refer to the Borrowing page. If you require an article from a journal title that is not held in the library print or electronic collections you can request the article via the Inter-Library Loan service.
Current issues of print newspapers are available from display unit on level 1. Immediate back issues are in closed access and may be requested at the Information Desk. Versions of many newspapers are now available electronically from LibrarySearch or Journal Search.
Further enquiries can be made at the Information Desk.
Official Publications
What are Official Publications?
Official Publications are legislative documents, policy documents, discussion documents, statistics and reports produced by central governments, their departments and organisations.
Official Publications Collections
The print collection consists of Irish Government Publications and a small collection of 20th century British Parliamentary papers, all shelved on level 1 in the John Paul II Library. The Library also holds a collection of earlier British government publications, mainly 19th century which are stored offsite.
A wide range of Official Publications are available electronically including a complete archive of Irish and UK statute law, Irish and UK case law, and European Union case law and legislation.
Irish Official Publications
This collection includes some documents published by the Stationery Office since 1976.
They are shelved on open access on level 1.
- Dáil Éireann Parliamentary Debates
- Central Statistics Office
- Statutory Instruments, current year only.
- Iris Oifigiúi, current year only.
- Bills, current year only.
- Acts, current year only.
- Seanad Éireann Parliamentary Debates
- Parliamentary Publications
- Dáil Éireann Reports
- Oireachtas Reports
- Parliamentary Debates – Select/Joint Committees
Previous years of Irish Official Publications are available electronically via the Official Publications page.
Locating and borrowing Official Publications
Use LibrarySearch to find official publications held in the Library.
Reference Collection
Definition of Reference
Reference comprises resources such as atlases, bibliographies, biographies, dictionaries, directories, encyclopaedias and indexes and abstracts. These resources can provide definitions, background information and concise answers to factually based questions on any subject. They are often a good place to start when investigating a new topic or subject. Material in the Reference Collection is for library use only.
Locating Reference
Use LibrarySearch to find Reference resources most of which are available electronically. The print collection is shelved at the end of each subject area. The prefix REF will appear before the location.
Postgraduate theses presented to Maynooth University and St Patrick's College, Maynooth are held by the Library. Theses are listed in LibrarySearch. To get a listing of theses in your particular subject area, select the subject option and enter your subject followed by the word theses e.g. history theses. Theses may be requested at the Information Desk. Theses can be borrowed for a period up to 3 hours for use within the Library. Theses will be held in the Information Desk for two weeks but can be extended if requested. To access eTheses please click here.
John Paul II Library
Opening Hours 07:00-17:00
Service Hours 09:00-17:00
Russell Library
Opening & Service Hours
10:00-12:30 14:00-16:30