Pearse Hutchinson Seminar 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - 15:00 to 18:45
Maynooth University Library

This is the 2nd annual event to celebrate the Pearse Hutchinson Archive held at Maynooth University Library.  The seminar will be chaired by the writer, poet and broadcaster Vincent Woods and will include a paper by Prof. Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Ireland Professor of Poetry, musical performance by Danny Diamond and Néillidh Mulligan and a launch of an exhibition of material from the Archive.

Registration is free but essential. Register here

Seminar Programme

Seminar Chair: Vincent Woods, Writer, poet and broadcaster
15:00 Cathal McCauley, University Librarian, Maynooth University Welcome
15:10 Danny Diamond Performance of new musical compositions grounded in Pearse Hutchinson’s work
15:30 Keynote speaker

Prof. Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, Ireland Professor of Poetry

'European Prayer: Poetic Connections, Translation and the Worlds of Pearse Hutchinson'
16:20 Readings Readings of Catalan poems translated into English and Irish by Pearse Hutchinson, and a Spanish translation of a Hutchinson poem in English.
17:20 Caroline Wynne, Director of Creative Connexions, the annual Irish/Catalan Cultural Festival in Sitge Pearse Hutchinson and Catalonia
17:40 Hugh Murphy, Senior Librarian, Collection Management Services, Maynooth University Library
Cait Harrigan, PhD Candidate, Maynooth University
The Pearse Hutchinson Archive -  written and spoken words
18:00 Prof. Philip Nolan, President, Maynooth University Launch of exhibition and musical performance by Néillidh Mulligan


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