Publications Festival for the Faculty of Social Sciences

Tuesday, January 23, 2018 - 10:30 to 16:00
Maynooth University Library

This year the Publications Festival will focus on publication strategies for new researchers and will feature a guest lecture from Deirdre Nolan, Gill Publishing on the topic of gender and publishing at 13:15 in the Library. The festival will be launched at 14:30, followed by a reception with an opportunity to view the works of the faculty.
10:30-12:00       Lightning talks
                             Showcase of student research, Faculty of Social Science
12:15-13:15       Publishing in Academic Journals: finding the right journal for your article and maximising its impact
                             Ciarán Quinn, Research Librarian, Maynooth University
13:15-14:00       Gender and Publishing
                             Deirdre Nolan, Gill Publishing
14:00-14:30       Lunch
14:30                   Festival launch
                             Award of Dean’s prize for best student presentation
All are welcome to attend this event. RSVP to [email protected], tel: 01 7086445 by Friday 19 January
In support of the Maynooth University Green Campus initiative, it will be a paperless event, showcasing research in electronic formats.