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To get your users started we have highlighted one high quality, award winning journal and article within each subject area. Please follow the links below to start exploring the content.
Accounting, Finance & Economics
Private virtues, public vices: Social norms and corruption
International Journal of Development Issues
Dr Billinger, Dr Rosenbaum, Dr Stieglitz from Syddansk Universitet
Business, Management & Strategy
Human resource management practices and the HRM-performance link in public and private sector organizations in three Western societal clusters
Baltic Journal of Management
Dr Stavrou-Costea from University of Cyprus and Professor Vanhala from Aalto University
Information & Knowledge Management
Music business models and piracy
Industrial Management and Data Systems
Assoc Prof Bustinza from Universidad de Granada, Dr Vendrll-Herrero from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya and Dr Parry from University of The West of England
Operations, Logistics & Quality
Exploring the integration of sustainability and supply chain management: Current state and opportunities for future inquiry
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
Dr Winter from Hamburg University of Technology
Poor laws and schooling in Stockholm
History of Education Review
Professor Holmlund from UMEA University
3D vision based quality inspection with computational intelligence
Assembly Automation
Mr Yu and Professor Wang from Norwegian University of Science & Technology
Health & Social Care
Using explanatory models in the care of a person with intellectual disabilities
Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities
Dr Hemmings from South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Dr Inwang and Mrs Hvid
Library Studies
The special librarian and personalized meta-services: Strategies for reconnecting librarians and researchers
Library Review
Dr Nolin from Hogskolan I Boras