Disabled Parking Permit Holders
Drivers of vehicles requiring the use of 'universally accessible parking bays' may only do so if their vehicle displays a valid and registered "blue badge"(Disabled Parking Permit or Card (also known as European Parking Card or Disabled Parking Badge). If drivers have a blue badge, they may use these bays for free.

The Road Traffic Regulations, 1997, govern the issue of disabled persons' parking permits in Ireland. Local Authorities, the Irish Wheelchair Association and the Disabled Drivers Association issue the permits. Permits are granted to all eligible disabled persons, irrespective of whether they are drivers or not, and they have National application. Any person who is suffering from a disability that prevents that person from walking or causes undue hardship in walking is eligible for a permit. For those permits not issued by the above agencies, the displayed permit must comply fully with EU recommendation (98/376/EC), which allows for its recognition in other EU member States.
If you display a blue badge, you may use ANY of the universally accessible bays for free throughout the campuses. Should you park your vehicle anywhere else on campus grounds, normal rules, regulations and enforcement in relation to Traffic Managemet and Parking will apply.
For location details please see Disabled Parking map.