Maynooth Unplugged

Don't be an Energy Vampire
Wednesday, October 26, 2016 - 09:00 to Friday, November 4, 2016 - 17:00

Maynooth Unplugged - Hallowe’en and Study Week reminder:
The terms “energy vampire”, “ghost-load” or “phantom-load”, refer to electricity use by home and office electronics when they are left switched on or on standby. A substantial amount of electricity is lost in this way.

No need for garlic – just power down

Please do your part to reduce this loss, and reduce our carbon footprint during the Hallowe’en and study week period.

Tips to reduce usage

  • Look around your office (and home)
  • Count the number of devices left on: TVs, DVD players, stereos, game consoles, laptops, computers and monitors, printers, chargers, clock display, photocopiers.  All can be energy vampires.
  • Unplug/switch off devices and chargers or set sleep/hibernate mode if devices are essential.