Transitions from Further to Higher Education Seminar

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 - 09:30
Phoenix Boardroom, Phoenix Building, North Campus

​Maynooth University is hosting a seminar, 'Transitions from Further to Higher Education'. The seminar will allow attendees to discuss the connections between further and higher education and the transition experiences for students.  This is the first event that will take place as part of the inaugural FET2HE Supporting Progression Conference on Friday, 19 October.

Three key speakers will share their expertise and encourage questions and discourse throughout the morning.  Students will also be there to share their transition experiences. Places are limited and by invitation only. Contact for further details. ​

Dr Sharon Morrissey
Sharon is the Vice Chancellor for Academic Services and Research in the Virginia Community College System. Prior to joining the VCCS, Sharon served as the Executive Vice President for Programs and Chief Academic Officer for the North Carolina Community College System, where she initiated, developed and administered state-level policies and strategies to improve student access, enhance program quality, and increase student success.
Andrina Wafer
Andrina is Head of Access and Lifelong Learning in QQI; responsibilities include developing policy in access, transfer and progression, leading on the Pathways project in the FET Strategy and supporting the focus on effective progression from FET to HE.  Andrina formerly worked as a senior educationalist with FETAC and the NCVA, collaborating with higher education institutions in the evolution of the higher education links scheme. She has extensive teaching and curricular experience in adult, further, community and second level sectors, a strong commitment to equity and inclusion and a passionate belief in lifelong learning to support talent realisation.
Dr Terry Maguire
Terry is the Director of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.  Terry will present on a research project 'Transition from Further Education and Training to Higher Education' (National Forum, 2016) which examined the views of students  on how well FET prepared them  for higher education.. The study aimed to gain a clearer understanding of the experiences of those who transition from further education to higher education.
Leah McMahon
​Leah is a final year B.A. student of Maynooth University studying English and Sociology.  Before embarking on her degree she completed Liberal Arts at Liberties College in Dublin.  She will be sharing her experience of transitioning from there to third level study at Maynooth.
​Justin Kavanagh
​Justin returned to education as a mature student at Navan VTOS in the UNISTART College Access Programme and progressed from there to study the Certificate in Science at Maynooth. He has just commenced his second year of the Bachelor of Science degree at Maynooth.