URBACT National Infoday

Thursday, February 5, 2015 - 09:30 to 14:15
Renehan Hall, South Campus, Maynooth University

​URBACT ​(A European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development) and the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government would like to personally you to an URBACT National Infoday. The purpose of this half day event is to introduce atendees to the URBACT scheme and the process of applying for funds.
Please register for this free event here

For more information about URBACT click here

Who should attend: All stakeholders (planners, local authority officials, local politicians, central government officials, academics, voluntary organisations), Senior Community Officers in local authorities, Chief Officers with responsibility for Local Community Development Committees; Local Enterprise Offices and anyone with an interest in improving urban policy.

Please contact Prof Mark Boyle, Maynooth University [email protected] if you require any further details.

Provisional Agenda:

9.30–9.40 Welcome and introduction by Ministry: Mr. Colm Downey, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government
9.40–11.00 URBACT II results – Partner cities sharing their experience

  • URBACT in a nutshell: Melody Houk, Projects Manager, URBACT Secretariat
  • Panel discussion “Cities achieving integrated urban development through URBACT” with:
  • Dave Lawless, Project Officer, Placemaking for Cities (Pilot Project on the transfer of good practice between 4 European Cities)
  • John O’Hara, Dublin City Council Planning Officer, UESAct (Urban Sustainable Environmental Actions) Projects
  • Councillor Malcolm Noonan, Kilkenny LINKS project
  • Padraig Maguire, Monaghan, partner in Woodfootprint network
  • Exchange with the audience

Moderated by Peter Ramsden, URBACT Thematic Pole Manager


11.00–11.30 Coffee Break
11.30–12.00 Integrated urban development – Lessons from URBACT II: Peter Ramsden, URBACT Thematic Pole Manager
12.00–12.30 National Framework for Sustainable Urban Development in Ireland 2014 - 2020: Stephen Blair, Director of Southern Regional Assembly and Gerry Finn, Director of Northern & Western Regional Assembly
12.30–13.00 The URBACT III programme – What’s in it for cities, when and how to join? Melody Houk, Projects Manager, URBACT Secretariat
 Including exchange with the audience The URBACT III programme – What’s in it for cities, when and how to join? Melody Houk, Projects Manager, URBACT Secretariat
 Including exchange with the audience
13.00 – 13.15 Closure by Ministry and National Dissemination Point: Colm Downey, Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and Professor Mark Boyle, Maynooth University
13.15–14.15 Networking lunch

Qualified Speakers have been invited to make presentations from their experiences to date with (i) Irish Projects, (ii) URBACT Policy & Practice, (iii) administration of EU funds in Ireland. Further details of these speakers to follow.
  URBACT Info Day Invitation - Maynooth University