Mathematics Support Centre hosts Workshop on using Social Media to Promote Services

Monday, August 24, 2015 - 11:00 to 15:00
Maths Support Centre (Rye Hall), North Campus

The Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (IMLSN) is running a half day workshop on Monday the 24th of August on the use of Social Media to advertise services to students.
Further details are available from the IMLSN website.

The sessions are designed to be presentation and discussion sessions, with participants being actively encouraged to ask questions. Participants are advised to bring laptop, tablets or smart phones with them.

One of the sessions will be run by Dr Cheryl Voake-Jones and Emma Collins-Jones from the University of Bath. They will present results from a national survey on how support services are advertised in the UK, and they will present details from a handbook soon to be launched by sigma on how best to use social media to advertise support services to students. In addition, different offices within Maynooth University will also present on how they use social media to advertise events etc.

The sessions will run from 11-12:30 and 1:30-3, with free coffee from 10:30-11 and free lunch from 12:30-1:30.

The workshop will be hosted by the Mathematics Support Centre in Maynooth University.
The MSC is located in Rye Hall, which is on the North Campus behind the John Hume and Iontas buildings. Parking is free out of term but do not park in pay per hour slots.

The workshop is being supported by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, so there is no registration fee and lunch and coffee are free.

However, all people interested in attending are required to contact the local organiser Dr. Ciarán Mac an Bhaird ([email protected]) no later than 12noon on Friday the 21st so catering details can be finalised. If participants have special dietary requirements, they should also let the organiser know in advance.