War on Terror 2.0: the globalisation of policies on “countering violent extremism”

Dr Ben Hayes
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 - 15:00 to 18:00
Renehan Hall, South Campus, Maynooth University

Dr. Hayes will be discussing the way in which Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) policies have significantly widened the range of methods used by governments for countering terrorism and shifted their target from terrorist organizations to religious ideology and identity.

Following Dr. Hayes’ lecture, Dr Claire Hamilton, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Law, will speak on her Irish Research Council-sponsored research into ‘Contagion, Counterterrorism and Criminology’. 
The event will be followed by a reception celebrating the publication of Department of Law Lecturer in Law, Dr. John Reynolds', book, Empire, Emergency and International Law published by Cambridge University Press.

The event is free to attend, however, spaces are limited. To secure your place and avoid disappointment, please RSVP to [email protected] by Tuesday 7th November.

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