Maynooth University, Department of Adult and Community Education and the Assisting Living & Learning (ALL) Institute
Invites you to the joint hybrid Addiction Studies/ Psychology Seminar:
Co-Building Opportunities-Growing Space, Recovery, Education and Capability:
bridging the interpretive gap.
Date: Saturday 26 February 2022 at 10:00
Location: John Hume Building North Campus Maynooth University/Online
Growing Space have been implementing and delivering an emancipatory and critically informed independent widening participation, community engagement approach within mental health service provision since 1992. In that time we have learned that certain theories such as the capabilities approach, situationist practice and transformational education can combine in order to construct and explain gaps in critical understanding for engaging the ‘mentally ill’. Such understanding offers a powerful understanding of multiple barriers to engagement for ‘service-users’.
To register to attend follow this link: https://forms.office.com/r/ZpJpJuXEqQ
10.00 – 10.30 Registrations, Tea & Coffee: Iontas Building
10.30 – 10.40 Welcome Dr Derek Barter
10.40 - 12.00 Dr Mark Richardson, Nicola Vaile plus Guests
Growing Space: The story of a Recovery Community
12.15 - 12.45 Response Panel Discussion Q & A
In conjunction with the Foundations for Futures Europe Project