RDO Finance
This Office is engaged in the financial management, control and administration of research funding awarded to Maynooth University. The Office has overall responsibility for providing institutional support with the financial aspects and some general compliance aspects of all externally funded research awards. We are located in the TSI Building on the North Campus and are part of the Office of Vice President for Research and Innovation.
About us
Our MISSION is as follows:
- To guide, support and assist all Principal Investigators and their support team through the financial, reporting and audit requirements associated with their research awards, in a professional and timely manner.
- To ensure that all externally funded research awards remain compliant with the Terms & Conditions of the funding bodies throughout the project lifecycle.
- To maintain and control expenditure on all externally funded research awards and to attain clean audit reports.
What we do for you
Our Office is responsible for providing the following support activities at the pre and post award stage of the Project Support Life Cycle.
- Provide support and financial advice to assist in preparing budget proposals.
- Provide support and financial advice to assist in managing research awards.
- Provide support and non financial advice to assist in managing the areas of maintaining time records, publicity and logos, document retention and recruitment.
- Assign a designated research cost centre/business unit for all research awarded to Maynooth University.
- Train and support all users on the University web based reporting tool.
- Schedule all financial reporting requirements.
- Prepare and sign off on all cost statements/financial claims on behalf of the University
- Schedule and issue all invoices associated with research awards.
- Monitor expenditure and advise and assist with budgetary issues, for example cash flows, budget reallocation requests, no cost extension requests and staffing.
- Co-ordinate and manage all aspects of the audit which includes finance, systems and non finance testing.
- Manage and control the personnel costs relating to staff and student appointments - process personnel changes and contract renewals.