What We Do

MaynoothWorks brings together the activities of knowledge transfer, enterprise partnership and entrepreneurship innovation (business innovation centre) at Maynooth University. 

At MaynoothWorks we protect and promote Maynooth University generated intellectual property (IP) via licensing and business start-ups and embed a culture of research commercialisation across the University, ensuring a professional and efficient approach to the identification, protection and commercialisation of research and are committed to enhancing the innovative capacity of Irish based industry, working with researchers to ensure collaboration of technology transfer is in line with best practice nationally and internationally. For updates on MaynoothWorks activities, see www.maynoothworks.ie and follow us on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/maynoothworks/
 This includes developing links with industry, protecting and exploiting Maynooth University generated intellectual property (IP) via licensing and business start-ups and embedding a culture of research commercialisation across the University. A key asset is our team of experienced people -  Peter Conlon is our Director, Ann Potter Cahalan is the Operations Manager, Dr Paul Tyndall is a Commercialisation Executive, Joe Moore is the Business Incubation Centre Manager, and Megan Browne is EA providing administration support.  

Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI)  http://www.knowledgetransferireland.com  is the national office that helps business to benefit from access to Irish expertise and technology by making it simpler to connect and engage with the research base in Ireland. KTI takes a national perspective on the knowledge transfer system in Ireland providing guidance to business, investors, universities, Institutes of Technology, State research organisations, research funders and government agencies to maximise getting State funded technology, ideas and expertise into the hands of business to drive innovation.