Final Workshop in the "Assess for Success" Series

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 - 09:15

CTL announces the fourth and final workshop in the Assess for Success Webinar and Workshop series taking place on Friday 10th June, 10.00 – 12.00. This workshop is entitled Feedback, including Feedback Literacy and the presenters will be Professor Sally Brown and Professor Kay Sambell.
Information about the event is included below.
To register for this event please click here.
All Maynooth University staff are welcome to attend all sessions.
Please email us at [email protected]  if you would like further information on any of these events.
Feedback, including Feedback Literacy
International experts agree that involving students actively in feedback processes is a key means by which HE staff can support and encourage engaged learning. This evidence-informed workshop will explore how Maynooth University staff can engage in effective feedback processes which are meaningful and manageable.
In the session participants will have a chance to consider

  • effective feedback that fosters learning;
  • diverse forms of feedback and how these can be used to support students;
  • designing learning environments in which dialogic feedback flourishes;
  • strategies which enhance students’ capacity to use feedback to enhance the quality of their work or learning strategies.