ALL Talk! The Missing Billion – new perspectives on disability-inclusive health systems

ALL Talk! Hannah Kuper; The Missing Billion – new perspectives on disability-inclusive health systems
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 - 10:00 to Friday, November 18, 2022 - 10:00
Conference Room 238, Eolas Building, 2nd Floor

ALL Talk!

We are delighted to invite you to one of our ALL lunchtime events - where you are invited to munch your lunch, while brightening your brain - listening to someone sharing their research or practice ideas, results, questions, doubts, hopes, fears or utopian speculation. 
ALL - Brown Bag - Talk
WHERE: Thursday, 17th November, 2pm – 3pm, ALL Institute Conference Room 238, Eolas Building, 2nd Floor,
WHAT: The Missing Billion – new perspectives on disability-inclusive health systems
There are at least one billion people with disabilities globally. On average, people with disabilities experience worse health and face multiple barriers accessing healthcare. This is an important issue as: 1) Mortality rates are two times higher for people with disabilities and life expectancy is 10-20 years shorter. 2) It will be difficult to achieve SDGs and health targets if people with disabilities continue to be left behind, 3) The right to healthcare of people with disabilities is being violated. In this talk, I will share the main evidence on disability and health. I will present a reimagining of healthcare systems to be inclusive of people with disabilities and describe the kinds of interventions that are needed at different levels of the health system.
WHO: We are delighted to welcome Professor Hannah Kuper is the co-director of the International Centre for Evidence in Disability at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and co-founder of the Missing Billion Initiative. She is an epidemiologist by training, and her main focus is on health and healthcare access of people with disabilities in low and middle-income countries. She leads the FCDO funded PENDA grant on the effectiveness of disability-inclusive development interventions with Tom Shakespeare. She is an NIHR Global Research Professor for our ALL Talk event.
This event will be informal, friendly, and nourishing presentations, followed by some Q&A and general discussion.
If you like, please feel free to bring your lunch along. 
If you would like to attend online, please email [email protected]
Please see the Maynooth University Coronavirus Guidance to ensure you are aware of the University policies.
If you have symptoms of Covid-19 or are told to self-isolate or restrict your movements, do not attend the event in person.