Maynooth University and the Southern Regional Assembly, as ESPON Contact Point (ECP) and Monitoring Committee (MC) members respectively for Ireland, cordially invite you to an in-person seminar on the theme of Governance of New Geographies: Approaches to Ireland’s Metropolitan Area Spatial Plans (MASPs).
Under Ireland’s National Planning Framework (2018), Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans (MASPs) were prepared for the five metropolitan areas as part of the relevant Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies (RSES). The MASPs, which are 12-year statutory strategic planning and investment frameworks, provide a coordination mechanism for city metropolitan areas, addressing high-level and long-term strategic development issues. As the first review of the National Planning Framework commences, it is clearly evident that the governance structures around the MASPS are in their infancy and still evolving.
The management of metropolitan areas is not an Ireland-only issue. As research undertaken by the EU-funded ESPON programme shows, the governance processes needed to support an informed response to sustainable spatial development, and coordinated delivery of solutions in metropolitan areas is a Europe-wide challenge.
The purpose of this half-day seminar is to consider what approaches have been adopted to date regarding the governance of the MASPS, and to what extent experience from elsewhere in Europe, drawing on previous ESPON and current OECD research, can inform the structures to be put in place as the MASP concept evolves.
Sponsored by the ESPON 2030 programme, attendance at this in-person only seminar is free of charge. However, places are limited, and we encourage you to register early. To register, click here:
Ms. Caroline Creamer Mr. David Kelly
ESPON Contact Point (ECP) – Ireland Monitoring Committee (MC) Member - Ireland