Dr Amina Adanan presents joint paper at University of Łódź

Monday, May 20, 2024 - 10:30

On 16 May 2024, Dr Amina Adanan jointly presented a paper at the conference on ‘International Law-Its Heritage as a Response to Modern Problems’ in the University of Łódź. The paper was jointly presented with Dominika Uczkiewicz (Pilecki Institute, Warsaw) and the paper was ‘In Search for Historical Models of Complementarity: the United Nations War Crimes Commission’. This research argues that the UNWCC provides an early example of positive complementarity between an international organisation and domestic enforcement authorities. The conference was organised by the Faculty of Law and Administration in in the University of Łódź, Poland.
Dr Amina Adanan is a Lecturer/ Assistant Professor in Law in the School of Law and Criminology and Co-Director of the Research Centre for International Justice. She lectures in International Criminal Law on the postgraduate courses in Maynooth University.