Catholic Social Action
Venue - Dublin City University, Drumcondra Campus.
9.15 Registration
9.45 Welcome and Introduction
10.00-11.30 Session 1 Catholic action in twentieth-century Ireland
Dr Barry Sheppard (Queen’s University Belfast): 'Spreading the light among the Irish exiles’, Muintir na Tíre, the 1934 Eucharistic Congress and the Irish ‘Spiritual Empire’
Dr Patrick Doyle (University of Limerick) Catholicism, Social Reconstruction, and the Irish Catholic Diaspora, 1890-1930
11.30-12.15 Session 2 Archives
Noelle Dowling (Dublin Diocesan Archives): Let there be few words and many deeds – evidence of Catholic Action held by the Dublin Diocesan Archives.
12.15-1.00 Lunch break
1.00-2.15 Keynote
Dr Lisa Godson (National College of Art and Design): Catholics in Action: the Architecture of Ritual in the Irish Free State
2.15-2.45 Coffee break
2.45-4.15 Session 3 Alternative perspectives on Catholic Action
Dr Aoife O’Leary McNeice (University of Galway): The relationships behind global networks of Catholic giving during the Great Irish Famine
Dr Maria Power (University of Oxford): Lay Catholic Societies in 20th Century Britain
4.15 Conference close