Monday, October 24, 2022 - 10:00 to 11:30
MUSSI Seminar Room 2.31, 2nd Floor, Iontas Building
This event will discuss the challenges faced by women from working-class communities in trying to navigate hard-to-reach places in society. The event will be in the style of a 'conversation with a panel', we will discuss the experiences of 4 women who are from diverse backgrounds and their vision for changing the workforce of the future. The four panel members are women from working-class backgrounds who are in leadership positions across higher education, post-primary education, and in STEM industry
- Dr Jo-Hanna Ivers (TCD)
- Michelle O'Kelly (Principal Mercy Inchicore)
- Eimear Michaels (Oprations Manager Microsoft Ireland)
- Dr Andrea Johnson Chair of Women in Technology & Science)
Register to attend the event here
All welcome