Seminar Series – 2024/2025



Seminars take place on Mondays at 12pm in John Hume Lecture Theatre 7 (JH L7)  


Semester 2 date    Speaker Institute Title
Monday 4th February N/A N/A N/A
Monday 10th February  Dr Sinéad Meade IADT Department of Technology and Psychology “You have to be fluid". Prison Officer Types, Perceived Quality of Staff-prisoner Relationships, and Staff Burnout in the Irish Prison Service
Monday 17th February Dr Darragh McCashin DCU School of Psychology / ABC Understanding & Preventing Online Racism in Ireland
Monday 24th February Prof. Louise Connell MU  A tale of two representations: how language and sensorimotor experience shape cognition
Monday 3rd March TBC TBC TBC
Monday 10th March  Alan Scarry
MU The impact of dietary technology on food sustainability and health.
Monday 24th March Dr Unai Diaz-Orueta MU "What do we measure when we say we measure visual memory?"
Monday 31st March Dr Ciara McCormack
MU Sport Science and Nutrition TBC
Monday 7th April Dr David McGovern DCU TBC
Monday 14th April Dr Olivia Hurley IADT Department of Technology and Psychology TBC
Monday 28th April N/A N/A N/A
Monday 5th May (bank holiday) N/A N/A N/A