Extension Requests
Students are notified of coursework deadlines well in advance. A deadline is a deadline. You should aim to submit your assignment well in advance of a deadline in order to protect yourself from unforeseen events in the days immediately before. It is also your responsibility to manage your materials (e.g. computer files) carefully and responsibly so do make sure to always save your work (and in two different locations if possible). Coursework grades are awarded, in part, for the successful and timely submission of work, and not just the content contained therein.
However, students do experience genuine extenuating circumstances that warrant extensions to deadlines from time to time and we, as a department, are keen to support our students as much as possible in these circumstances. We appreciate that it is difficult for students who are struggling with issues to discuss these with staff. However, it is really important that we are made aware of any difficulties that are likely to impact on your studies and/or your academic performance/progress. We would like to reassure students that we will do our best to accommodate such difficulties and should any students require help/support, we would encourage you to come and speak to us and/or actively seek out and use the many excellent supports that the wider University provides. Naturally, all sensitive information will be treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality, mindful that there are limits to confidentiality in that it is the responsibility of individual members of staff to bring any concerns about the welfare of any student to the attention of the appropriate person/service within the University.
- Extensions can only be granted by the Course Director.
- An extension should be requested (via this form) prior to the deadline. A medical certificate or other appropriate documentation must accompany a request for an extension. If there are other circumstances which might be considered, they should be brought to the attention of the course director and supported in writing. A student should not take an extension of his/her own accord or assume that its duration can be decided autonomously.
- A student should not expect to meet the Course Director regarding an extension within 48 hours of that deadline.
- Extensions will not be granted for routine or minor illnesses (e.g. headaches, colds, etc.).
- Requests for extensions based on an illness or situation occurring more than five working days immediately prior to deadline are not normally granted. If such an extension is granted, the number of days extended is proportionate to the number of days covered by the appropriate documentation.
- When the Course Director approves a request, s/he will set a new deadline that is directly in line with the nature of the situation, illness, or medical instructions.
- Even if previously requested, penalties will only be lifted when appropriate documentation is provided (e.g. a medical certificate or a death notice on rip.ie). Vague medical certificates or documentation not specifying a timeframe that relates directly to the deadline are not acceptable.
- Loss of work due to failure of a PC, laptop, or memory stick does not normally warrant an extension.
Year 1 Extension Requests, click here:
Year 2 Extension Requests, click here:
Final Year Extension Requests: Contact Year Manager Prof Philip Hyland ([email protected])
MSc Conversion Extension Requests, click here:
MSc Environmental Psychology Extension Requests: Contact your Module Lead