Professional Doctorate in Educational Psychology (D.Ed.Psych)

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Frequently Asked Questions
I am awaiting the results of my psychology degree; can I apply for this programme?
Applicants must have completed their psychology degree prior to applying for the programme.
What are the minimum qualifications needed to apply for this programme?
- A first or upper second-class honours (2.1) degree in psychology or an equivalent qualification in psychology, recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) or equivalent, as conferring eligibility for Graduate Membership. However, to promote diverse access to the programme, in exceptional cases, other entrance pathways may be considered as long as they fulfil the Psychological Society of Ireland’s (PSI) requirements, to conferring eligibility for Graduate Membership.
- The equivalent of two year's relevant full-time experience working in the field of education, psychology or relevant healthcare settings (Psychological Society of Ireland, 2022).
I have a 2.2 in my psychology degree, can I still apply?
Most of the people who are successful at shortlisting and interview will have at least a 2:1 in their primary degree. However, applicants with a 2:2 should not let this be a barrier to their application. If you have a 2:2-degree classification, you will need to demonstrate your readiness for doctoral study through additional qualifications, relevant work experiences, personal statement and references.
I completed my psychology degree in the UK which is recognised by the British Psychological Society (BPS). Will this degree be recognised for entry onto this programme?
Yes, applicants with a BPS accredited psychology degree who meet the minimum academic requirements are eligible to apply. I completed my psychology degree in a university outside of Ireland and the UK. Will this degree be recognised for entry onto this programme?
Applicants who have completed their psychology degree in an EU member state or other jurisdiction may apply for the programme, providing their degree meets the minimum academic requirements set out by the PSI and is an accredited psychology degree in their country of origin.
Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please refer to the university’s website: English Language Requirements | Maynooth University The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants.
I don’t have a psychology degree. However, I have a teaching qualification and extensive teaching experience, can I apply for this programme?
No, applicants are required to have a psychology degree or an equivalent degree that is recognised by the Psychological Society of Ireland as eligible. Please refer to for a list of accredited psychology courses.
I have completed some psychology modules as part of my B.Ed degree. Is this sufficient psychology for me to apply?
No, to apply for this programme, applicants are required to have completed an accredited psychology degree. Please refer to for detailed information on accredited psychology programmes.
Do you have to be a teacher to apply for this programme?
While teaching experience at pre-school, primary, post-primary or tertiary levels is desirable, it is not a requirement. However, applicants must have two year's relevant full-time experience working in the field of education, psychology or relevant healthcare settings.
Is this qualification recognised in other countries?
Yes, educational psychologists who have completed their professional training in Ireland can work within the UK, EU and EEA member states and other countries, e.g. Australia, New Zealand and Canada. However, there may be additional requirements needed to work in some countries, e.g. proficiency in the language of the country. Contact the psychology regulation authority of the country you intend working in for information regarding specific requirements.
What jobs can I work in as an educational psychologist?
Educational psychologists work in a variety of education support services including the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS). Trainees who are in receipt of a NEPS bursary will be expected to adhere to the funding conditions which includes a commitment to work with the service for three years post qualification. Some educational psychologists go on to work in private practice or teach on academic programmes.
What kinds of work experience are relevant to this professional programme?
Work experiences in education, healthcare and other psychology settings are considered appropriate. This may include wellbeing or special education support in schools, youth or community work, disability services, mental health services. Experiences that involve the application of psychological knowledge in professional settings are particularly advantageous. Work experiences such as babysitting would not be considered sufficient to meet the relevant work experience criterion.
What kinds of healthcare settings experiences are considered helpful?
Work experience in specialist settings that offer mental health support, assessment, and intervention for children, young people and young adults with developmental, emotional, or behavioural challenges is helpful.
What is the minimum length of relevant work experience?
A minimum of two years full-time experience working with children and young people in education, psychology, social care, community or healthcare settings is required. This can be cumulative or continuous and can consist of paid or voluntary experiences of not less than three months in duration.
Do I have to live near Maynooth to complete this programme?
The programme consists of a combination of university-based modules and professional placements over three years. In Year 1 trainees are required to attend the university approx. three days per week and placement two days per week. Where feasible, professional placements will be arranged in geographical locations that are convenient for trainees. In Years 2 and 3, attendance at the university is required approx. two days per week. While living close to the Maynooth is helpful, it is not mandatory on a full-time basis. Trainees are responsible for their own travel to and from placement and university.
Can I complete this programme on a part time basis?
No. This is a three-year full-time programme; a part time option is not available.
What are the fees for the programme?
2025-2026 Fees: €15,920 (to be confirmed). Please note that fees are subject to an annual increase. There is a non-refundable application fee of €50.00. Information on tuition fees and the student levy is available from Maynooth University’s Fees and Grants team: Postgraduate EU | Maynooth University.
Is this programme funded?
Yes, The Department of Education’s current bursary scheme for trainee educational psychologists will be extended to include all trainees on the Maynooth D.Ed.Psych programme. This is currently valued at €40,000 per year of programme to support payment of course fees and living expenses.
Can you explain how the bursary works?
NEPS provide funding for trainees through a bursary scheme worth €40,000 annually. Under the funding agreement, NEPS guarantees employment for trainees for at least three years post-graduation, and trainees in turn commit to this arrangement. The number of funded places is determined before each annual intake.
I see there are placements, do I have to organise my own placement?
A two-week block placement in a mainstream school is required in September. Trainees are required to secure this placement themselves.
All other placements are organised by the placement coordinator, who is part of the programme team. These placements, totalling a minimum of 300 days, offer trainees professional practice experiences across diverse educational and specialist services. Where practicable, trainees' preferred locations for placements will be taken into account, however, trainees must have their own transport and be willing to travel. A full driving licence is highly recommended.
How many applicants will be accepted onto the programme?
I see that this is a new programme, is it accredited?
The programme is designed to address two sets of standards relevant to the field of educational psychology. Drawing from its connection to professionals in the field and the research that guides policy, the programme is well positioned to respond to the soon to be released accreditation standards for education and training programmes set by the Health and Care Professional Council (CORÚ), Ireland’s multi-profession health regulator. Prior to their release, the programme has been designed to ensure that it meets the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) accreditation requirements.
How do I apply?
Applications can be made on MU Apply: Postgraduate Applicants | Maynooth University. As part of your application, you will be required to upload supplementary documents to include the following:
- Academic transcripts pertaining to primary degree (and any further degrees, if applicable).
- Confirmation of the accreditation of your Psychology degree if completed outside Ireland/UK or is non-standard.
- A copy of your passport.
- A personal statement.
- An academic letter of recommendation.
- A professional letter of recommendation.
- Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study. For information about English language tests accepted and required scores, please see here. The requirements specified are applicable for both EU and International applicants.
How is the programme delivered?
The programme consists of academic modules, professional placements and research skills
- Academic modules will be delivered in-person in Maynooth University.
- Professional Placements will be undertaken approx. two days per week in Semester 1 and approx. three days per week from Semester 2 onwards. There will also be block placements each year, typically in January and May/June.
- Research skills are developed over the three years of the programme culminating in the design and completion of a substantial piece of original research and production of a thesis of doctoral standard. Trainees will be assigned an academic supervisor to support and guide their research.
Who can I speak to for further information?
For further information email: [email protected]
What is the application process?
A shortlist of applicants will be developed based on initial entry requirements. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an interview. Their suitability for the programme will be assessed based on academic qualifications, professional experience, interpersonal and communication skills. Previous research experience and demonstrated potential for doctoral-level research will also be relevant considerations. The selection process will evaluate overall suitability for the programme and the references provided. The closing date for applications is Wednesday March 26th 2025.
Interviews will be held week beginning April 7th 2025. Applicants who are called for interview must be available to attend in person. Successful candidates must complete Garda vetting before final acceptance into the course.
What should I include in my personal statement?
You should provide evidence of your motivation for pursuing a profession in educational psychology, the experiences and values that influenced your decision, and the personal qualities you would bring to the career. You may also include details of your personal or professional interests and explain how your experiences, skills, and competencies align with this professional doctorate in educational psychology.
Can I defer my place to the following academic year?
No, deferral will not be offered.