The Department of Adult & Community Education at Maynooth University has secured another European Project, Competitive Regions Employability of Adults through Education (CREATE), co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission. The project consortium, led by Agentur für Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung (Germany) consists of 9 partners from 8 countries.
CREATE aims to reduce geographic disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes across EU regions, by developing a toolkit for local policy-makers for more effective adult education. Project implementation has already begun with the CREATE Platform and Virtual Community (Intellectual Output 1) and Policy Assessment, methodology and approaches for the research and identification of policy instruments to inform the CREATE toolkit (Intellectual Output 2).
The Department of Adult and Communication at Maynooth University plays a significant role as a major contributor to Adult Education policy and has influenced policy development on equality of access to education, professionalisation of the sector, lifelong learning and recognition of prior learning. The Department is recognised as a leader in bringing third level education outside the confines of the campus and engaging with wider society through its many outreach programmes. The Department has the only professor of adult education in the Republic of Ireland and a range of leading academic teachers and researchers. It has been active in a number of European projects that research adult learning across Europe, including two previous Erasmus Plus projects entitled REGIONAL and DIMA.
For further information on CREATE, please contact:
Michael Kenny on [email protected] or see the Project CREATE website