On 13 September, Dr Amina Adanan participated in a panel discussion on ‘Ending the Immunity of National Leaders for International Crimes’ in the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). Amina presented her research on the exercise of universal jurisdiction under the United Nations War Crimes Commission (UNWCC), alongside fellow panellists Professor Dan Plesch (SOAS, London) and Dr Dominica Uczkiewicz (Pilecki Institute, Warsaw). The event was chaired by Dr Mba Chidi Nmaju (SOAS), and organised by Zahraa Kapasi (SOAS) and Prof Dan Plesch. For more details, please see www.eventbrite.com/e/ending-the-immunity-of-national-leaders-for-international-crimes-tickets-712951907347?aff=oddtdtcreator.
Dr Amina Adanan is a Lecturer/ Assistant Professor in Law in the School of Law and Criminology and Co-Director of the Research Centre for International Justice. She lectures in International Criminal Law on the postgraduate courses in Maynooth University.