Earlier this week, Dr Bastian Rake, Lecturer in Innovation at the School of Business, presented a paper on ‘Unlocking the Importance of Alliance Partners for the Quality and Impact of Company Publications’ at the Gothenburg Conference on Deciphering the New Challenges to Universities.
The paper is a collaborative project between Bastian with Maureen McKelvey of the University of Gothenburg. In the paper, the authors analyse the influence of the number as well as the organisation type of alliance partners on the scientific quality and the scientific impact of firm publications.
Bastian’s research explores real world phenomena with a particular focus on collaboration, networks, and innovation in knowledge intense industries such as bio-pharmaceuticals. In his recent research, he analyses the relationship between the characteristics of different types of cooperation partners for knowledge generation and successful innovative activities. Moreover, he studies the internationalisation of science and R&D activities with a particular focus on the internationalisation of clinical trials.