For its Early Career Seminars on Comparative Labour Law (ECOLL), the Labour Law Community (LLC) invited David Mangan to speak about dismissal from employment in common law countries. The event was for early career researchers from a number of EU Member States. The LLC hosted the event on the island of Salina, off the coast of Sicily. This was the second LLC Early Career Seminars on Comparative Labour Law (ECOLL). The first, held in 2022, was entitled “The status of workers and labour law – beyond subordination”. David was also a participant in that first seminar. After this second seminar, David has been invited to join the LLC as a foreign member of this Italian-based community.
David studies the areas of employment/labour law and private law obligations (tort and contract), with a focus on the impact of information technology in these areas. He is a member of the editorial board of the European Labour Law Journal, and is co-editor of the Global Workplace Law & Policy blog. Recent publications include “Privacy and Labour Law Traditions” in Frank Hendrickx and Christina Hiessl (eds) The Meaning of Work (Wolters Kluwer). David has also posted on Global Workplace Law & Policy a commentary on the right to disconnect which draws from on-going research he is conducting. At the School of Law & Criminology, David leads the joint degree program with UC Lyon, as well as the Technology Law & Policy Centre. He is a Ph.D. supervisor with Advance CRT which is funded by the Irish Science Foundation. Additionally, David is a Visiting Professor at the University of Warsaw and at the Marco Biagi Foundation at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.