Congratulations to Dr Eilish Dillon on the recent publication of her IRC-funded New Foundations research report 'Putting Critical Learning at the Heart of Ethical Global Development Communications'.
This report highlights the importance of deep, critical training and learning across organisations to ensure that their communications uphold the highest principles and practices of solidarity, equality, human rights and justice. Organisations understand that what we say and show is just as important in development as what we do. It builds relationships or destroys them; it sets up stereotypes or questions them; it advances equality, antiracism and justice or undermines them. That's why Dóchas developed a new guide for good practice on ethical communications in 2023 - https://www.dochas.ie/assets/Dochas-Ethical-Guide-D8_Final-v2.pdf
Eilish's research explores the call for more training and learning on ethical communications in this guide (and in her previous research). In her research report, the message is clear, Eilish says, 'Participants call for more (regular, refreshers), more structured (e.g., clearer plans and more systematic delivery), broader (e.g., integrate social media and anti-racism) and deeper training experiences, and more organisation-wide training and learning on ethical communications'. The full report, including recommendations and principles for good practice, can be read and downloaded free of charge at the following website: https://mural.maynoothuniversity.ie/id/eprint/19237/