The International Society of Labour & Social Security Law European Regional Congress was held at UCD from 17 - 19 September 2014 and attracted 300 delegates from around the world. Professor Michael Doherty, Head of Maynooth University Department of Law, was invited to speak on a panel of international labour law experts on 'Economic Crisis and labour Law Reforms'.
As part of the Congress, Maynooth University Department of Law hosted the annual meeting of the International Association of Labour Law Journals, attended by delegates from ten countries.
The 2014 Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) took place at The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) in Dublin from 10 - 12 September 2014. Professor Doherty co-presented two papers at the conference; one entitled 'Mass redundancies in Italy and Ireland: How much information, how much consultation?' (with Alessandra DeNardo, soon to begin a PhD at Maynooth University Department of Law) and one entitled 'Horses for courses? Trade unions responses to the crisis in Romania and Ireland' (with Aurora Trif of Dublin City University).