Read our latest MU Library Treasures blog post; ‘Reading Euclid: Examining the key mathematical text through an exhibition at the Russell Library.’ This blog post discusses some of Euclid’s famous texts, which featured in an exhibition launched by Maynooth University President Professor Philip Nolan in the Russell Library on Wednesday 27 June. The exhibition was a collaboration between Maynooth University Library and the Department of Mathematics and Statistics in conjunction with the ‘Reading Euclid’ project at Oxford University.
It was curated by Barbara McCormack, Special Collections Librarian, Maynooth University Library, Dr Ciarán Mac an Bhaird, Lecturer from Maynooth University Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and Dr Philip Beeley, University of Oxford. To find out more about the selection of pre-1700 Euclidean items from the collections of the Russell Library, you can read the blog post here: