Maynooth Classics Seminar Series, Semester 2: 2023-2024

Come join the audience!
Friday, February 23, 2024 - 16:00 to Friday, April 26, 2024 - 16:00
Iontas Room 1.33, Arts & Humanities Institute.

Maynooth Classics Seminar Series 2023-2024

This year the Department of Ancient Classics is pleased to host the following speakers:

17 November 2023  Dr Carl O'Brien
(Maynooth University)
‘The Selfishness of Platonic Love?’
15 December 2023 MUAHI Visiting Fellow
Dr Nicoletta Bruno
(Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
‘Ancient Literary Criticism on Archaiologíai, Origines, Antiquitates’
Talk in association with the 
Maynooth University Arts & Humanities Institute
23 February 2023 Dr Leah O'Hearn
(Maynooth University)
‘Weak-willed Catullus and the Moral Conflicts of Desire’
08 March 2024 Prof. Istvan Czachesz
(Arctic University of Norway)
‘The historical Jesus in Paul's epistles’
Intellectual Legacy of the Classical Tradition (I)
22 March 2024 PD Dr Roberto Vinco
(University of Heidelberg) 
‘Platonic elements in the philosophy of St. Thomas according
to the interpretation of Cornelio Fabro’

Intellectual Legacy of the Classical Tradition (II)
12 April 2024 PD Dr Max Rohstock
(University of Heidelberg) 
‘Transformative Experiences in Ancient Metaphysics’
Intellectual Legacy of the Classical Tradition (III)
26 April 2024
Mudith Dharmasiri
(Maynooth University)
‘Rewriting the Narrative of Mime-Actresses: A Feminist Perspective’ 


This is a free event and all most welcome! For queries, please contact: [email protected]