Would you like to be published in RTÉ Brainstorm?
On Wednesday, 21 February, join Jim Carroll, editor of RTÉ Brainstorm, to find out how to get your articles published, writing styles and generating story ideas.
The Communications team invites academics and researchers to a workshop on writing skills with RTÉ Brainstorm editor Jim Carroll who explains how to craft and pitch your article for media and public readership.
At 10am, Jim presents the stories that work best for RTÉ Brainstorm, how to start crafting and pitching your article. This will be followed from 11am by individual 10-minute pitching sessions where you can tell Jim about your work and story ideas, and get his feedback.
New writers are especially welcome.
10am-10.45am Presentation by editor Jim Carroll: What is RTÉ Brainstorm and how do I get my work published?
11am - 3.00pm Pitch your idea and get feedback from the editor.
To register for the workshop and/or individual pitching please complete the forms above. Places are limited and allocated on a first come basis. Feel free to attend workshop or pitching session, or both!
This event is hosted by the Communications Office. If you have queries, please contact [email protected]