How we work 

The Maynooth University Social Sciences Institute (MUSSI) is guided by five year academic and business plans.  MUSSI is led by a Director and Deputy Director and is supported by a Research Institute Management Committee (RIMC) - advising on executive matters - and an Expert Advisory Panel (EIP) - advising on matters of governance and long term strategy
The Institute comprises four types of staff:
Seconded Principal Investigators (PIs): A limited number of PIs have been seconded (by application) from academic departments to lead large scale, competitively funded, and internationally esteemed research programmes which have been deemed to be of strategic value to Maynooth University.
Members: Research active, permanent, academic staff of the University are eligible to apply for membership by affiliation. MUSSI provides its members with space for interaction and discussion, a dedicated set of supports such as research space, research and budget administration, project management, data infrastructures and methodological expertise, doctoral training, technical advice, grant writing advice and support, publication support and media advice, and funding for events such as seminars, workshops and conferences.
Associate membership: Where a clear case can be made that appointments will benefit the Institute, Associate Membership is available by application to: a) academic or research staff on fixed term contracts who are acting as PIs for the term of their contract; b) collaborating researchers in other Higher Education Institutions or external stakeholder organisations, for a fixed term; c) international academics hosted by Maynooth University as sabbatical visitors for the period of their sabbatical, and; d) adjunct and emeritus staff. 
Support Staff: The institute is supported by a number of administrative and technical staff.