RESCuE Project
Patterns of resilience during Socioeconomic Crises among Households
in Europe 2014-2017 (Partner, Professor Jane Gray)
How can families who have been adversely affected by the recent economic crisis “bounce back”? What are the social, economic and cultural practices that protect some households more than others? Researchers at Maynooth University are participating in a nine-country European research consortium that is investigating resilience amongst families and households in urban and rural areas across Europe. The project is using innovative qualitative research methods, including in-depth interviews, observation and participatory visual methods to listen to the voices and record the experiences of families and households who have been affected by the crisis, and to make comparisons across different European contexts. In addition to listening to the voices of ordinary people coping with the economic crisis, the project aims to assist social institutions and policy makers to learn from those experiences and to develop better strategies for supporting families and households in the future.
The Maynooth team is responsible for carrying out the research in Ireland and also for the work package that is examining how changing experiences across peoples’ lives and times affect their ability to cope with difficult circumstances. We are focusing on an urban and a rural area in the Midlands. For more information on the RESCuE project please visit
This project has received research funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 613245