The following information will provide you with a fee status eligibility reckoner,  flowcharts, online application form, document checklist for submitting an EU fee assessment to the Fees & Grants Office Committee.


The following flowcharts provide a guide to student eligibility:  

Undergraduate Under 23 Flowchart   Undergraduate Over 23 Flowchart   Postgraduate Student FlowChart

Please note: A student must meet the criteria for EU fee status prior to the 1st of September, of their first registration with Maynooth University.  Students who do not meet the criteria for EU fee status, prior to 1st of September of their first registration with Maynooth University will remain at International Fee Status for the duration of their course.  A further assessment may be permitted from a Maynooth University UG course to a Maynooth University PG registration, please contact the Fees & Grants Office to discuss.

Who should apply for an EU fee assessment?

If you fall under the conditions below, and are registering with Maynooth Univesity for the first time, you can submit an application to the F&G Office for assessment. 

  • I am an EU citizen but my place of birth is outside of the EU/EEA/Swiss Confederation/United Kingdom.
  • I am an EU citizen, living 3 of the last 5 years outside of the EU/EEA/Swiss Confederation/United Kingdom but I have completed 5 years of primary/secondary education in the EU/EEA/Swiss Confederation/United Kingdom.
  • I am a non-EU citizen but I have been living and working within the EU for 3 of the last 5 years (please see the definitions below).
  • I am a child/spouse of non-EU diplomatic staff based in the EU.
  • I am a child/spouse of Irish State Official, and comparable EU/EEA/Swiss State official, who reside outside the EU on diplomatic or consular mission.
  • I am in the asylum process for 3 of the last 5 years.

 How do I apply for an EU fee assessment? 

You will need to complete the relevant online Fees & Grants Office form + forward all supporting documentation.   Incomplete applications will be rejected and you maybe required to commence the process from the beginning.

  • If you are Under 23 years of age - online application form available here under 23  - please also refer to this checklist below to ensure you submit a complete application.
  • If you are Over 23 years of age - online application form available here over 23  - please also refer to this checklist below to ensure you submit a complete application. 
  • If you are in the asylum process and Under 23 years of age - online application form available here under 23  - please also refer to this checklist below to ensure you submit a complete application.
  • If you are in the asylum process and Over 23 years of age - online application form available here over 23 -  please also refer to this checklist below to ensure you submit a complete application.

The Department of Education and Skills requested the HEA bring the below information in relation to the Free Fees Scheme to attention - in terms of higher education, notwithstanding Brexit, UK students will retain an EU fee status once students meet all other criteria as set out in the Free Fees Initiative.

  • Students with UK nationality will continue to be eligible under the nationality criteria of the free fees scheme;
  • UK residency will continue to contribute towards fulfilling the ordinarily resident criteria of the scheme.

Further information in regard to a student's eligibility to EU tuition fees is available from the relevant section on