Our Student Advisor, Sarah Coll offers practical and friendly advice, guidance, and ongoing support to all students during their time at Maynooth University.
The Student Advisor is here to support you in navigating your way through college life whenever you need it. They can assist you in finding support if you begin to have concerns/challenges academically, financially, socially, or personally, or all of them combined! No concern/challenge is too big or too small. There will always be support available to you here at Maynooth University.
Our Student Advisor can be the first step to assist you with accessing support when and if you need it.
You can book an in person, online or telephone call via Book an appointment with the Student Advisor or alternatively email [email protected] with your student number.
Contact Details:
Email : [email protected]
For any student who has an immediate, unforeseen, and urgent financial concern/challenge, drop-in clinics are running every Wednesday from 10am-12pm (term time only and slots available are limited). It takes place in the Student Services Building, North Campus.You will need to complete this form before attending where possible. For further information, please follow the link here - https://www.maynoothuniversity.ie/student-services/student-budgeting-advice-service.